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The Alpha Daughter

Chapter 4 slave

Word Count: 1174    |    Released on: 07/02/2022


, as I had anticipated she would. I always gave her a doable task, just as I

heard that father has assigned you an assist

second, what could she possible have done for me aside from the responsibilities that were her responsibility?

r has grown up. Anyway, I'm going to check out the d

ad been waiting for the so-called An

I looked or how many times I called her name. I was walking down the s


ng those my own age. To be honest, I think I have feelings for him. He told me to stand on my strength and that if I was no longer happy where I was, I should come back to him and stay with him un

e of my cheek. I desperately wanted to cry, but I knew that doing so would only make things worse, so I forced myse

ring and listening abilities. I don't want to run into you anywhere in the ne

is a nod o

, she made an ap

you'd probably prefer to get away from her be

, and Luke didn't say anything because I could tell he was tak

ars have


ting day of work, w

pay a visit to the royalties I had collected for the

extend my greetings to you. What ca

e to his feet

ptying the table of a

, s

, only the leftovers from the table, which I carried to the kitchen and devoured with a frenzied appetite. I

heard something outside, but it turned out to be nothing. I then


at are you doin

you, Ana, an

able to see you right

't matte

rly in the morning, why n

does sound

f here before anyone

see y

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ting for me ins



to catch u

ly you

out a list a

a large number of them, and you will be the

ink we'll be getting ready

lf a dress

, K

i was the one doing the carrying, i was so we

y more strength in me. Then I observed someone assisting out, and I had the distinct impression that

le is no longer a provider, please all

is manner, I notice Kelly agreeing to his request for information. She then turns to face me and tells

eling dizzy. I fainted and Kelly walked up to me

k emanating from her, and it was reaching all the way up to her neck. I got to my feet swiftly and attack her. She shouted for L

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