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The Alpha Daughter

Chapter 5 death

Word Count: 939    |    Released on: 08/02/2022


elf in a cell. I saw the Alph

show mercy to you, but you continue to try to kill my child. This time, I

oing to die tomorrow? Is t

I screamed and screamed, but it was as if I was in a place where no one could hear my voice, cry, or see my tears. I was talking on my phone witho


her and do something honestly quickly about it. I stroll

ead her, she will do whatever you ask of her of, but for you call her a demon child.

Alpha stood up, became



nto my life and say what you just said. I can see you care for her

l this? You are no longer only deprived but also evil. As they say, every evil will soon perish. How do yo

ood up and hit me in the pl

icate with my father

ou; simply revel in your night with your demon friend becaus

as dragg


as going to diet. The mobile door opened, and I noticed the guard w

im on my cell,

the next day. I didn't know what to say. I felt like crying. He had been the one who had ever cared for me. Now h

m, and the boy simply appears to like you." You see, an

eness. My dad is a forgiving man. He will forgive you.

ne who is no longer worthy of it." You gave me a crab, so if you don't mind, you can fucking lea

fter Kelly became irritated and left, Luke and


kept everyone silent by telling them that these were the days when the demon infant would kill has come. However, this young man has decided to help her in her mission. He has to die too. Everyone kept

s to me and says, "You will be a part of him too." I noticed they took Luke's hopeless body away as they were about to kil

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