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Maid To The Prince

Maid To The Prince


Chapter 1 One

Word Count: 1607    |    Released on: 12/02/2022

as dawn and there was no light yet. Sh

pressing, it was just enough to fit her bed, and a bit of

could not complain as she worked in the palace, as long as she

maids and no one saw them as they usually cleaned when the royals

was cold as per usual but she was still not used to i

t was a good ten minutes from where she lived. She g

most full she started to roll the pedal to pull it out, wh

that were situated outside. They were a very small

her teeth were clattering from the cold. She poured the w

ight, she undressed quickly and put on her normal uniform which was a brown plain blouse and an ankle long brow

back, it was red and unruly at times but by n

o see how she looked. She was happy with the results

ty minutes, not everyone was lucky enough to get a serva

you were related, or the ranking of

her bicycle and made her way to the palace. The road

u couldn't just cycle in as it was not proper for one to do s

were you could park them. When she had done that, she strai

as glad that they at least provided her with

ey stayed there and the perks of being in the palace's servant quarters was great, hot water was

m the cold and cruel weather that she had c

ey used to laugh her because of that but th

from the trip, she took a cup and went to the tea station


she knew that the ones who lived in the palace got more as they knew each other and the kit

old of anything worth of value to b


e where her friends wer

She greet

ou froze to deat

om her tea and she b

y time you drink

here through this awful forsaken

an they eat very well, the kings and queens but fail to

. The palace has eyes and ears everywhere you know." Evelyn

er friends, they all lived in the palac

the slumps just like her life was. The money earned

e to them and only the rich ate that on

d cooled down a bit. She was grateful fo

urora and we can all be toget

her so much, they finished chatting up and they

of a bite, but the rest of them had the sweeping duty

and the vigorous work of scrubbing started.

ready and it w

done, and needed to go

ra! A

and it was Cathy, she worked in the k

"You need to come with me urgen

didn't get a chance to ask Cathy what

there, madam Beatrice, she was very scary, she w

ubject to her lashes or wor

Madam B

leave and she did immediately, she wo

to fill in for Constance, she caught the me

, Ma

could refuse the

w me A

he was trying to remember all the twist and t

or her to get in, "You will be cleaning this roo

dded, "Ye

as I know y

dam, I will no

ou have an hour and a half to clean this ro

, Ma

oint me Aurora." She could hear her thre

to work immediately. She picked up the clothes for laundry a

e sure everything was clean. Whoever was in this room seemed to be

he picked up the basket with the dirty laundry, as

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