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Maid To The Prince

Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1280    |    Released on: 04/03/2022

that she always did but this time she added extra measures

ould go wrong, she would make sure of it. She go

nd was let in, she went and parked her bicycle in its u

t her cup of tea and roll, she said he

ome over, she made her way through the tables and she could hear blata

to her face, so they whispered it amongst themselv

dn't get the satisfaction that they were hoping fo

c for today." Agnes was

walked through t

ed it all, I don't even know h

gs, makes one wonder if she is always listenin

he loves to add salt, but just not a

burst out

ra you will do amazin

always count on you l

ld not ask for a better bunch of friends than t

ry out, so they dispensed to them. Aurora went to the laundry room to

hes to them, she waited. When they were down she carr

empty but the mess that was inside was

ey were dirty dishes, whoever slept

d started to get to work. This time she had a few m

ndry, she decided to first head to the l

tchen and placed the di

spare could you help with the dirty d

r and that would be a sign

you, da

ut with the dishes and it was a long grueling task

e headed to the kitchen in the servant's quart

eat," Barba

orkload would les

asked to help ou

u taste any delica

you think, I was

u should have refused.

ead of the kitchen that a

it is worse than we have to also comply with the higher-ups he

in their bad books which s

went to the kitchen and collected the tea-pot, a

want to spill anything on her plate,

door was closed but she could hear voice

had to knock as she would not want

she knocked softly, there was no answer

ce boomed from the

ith her back so that it would not close, she had

ed towards the two gentlemen who w

e, she needed to get used to it as

rnoon tea

t of them. When she was done with her

e one-man

? Her heart hammered in her chest, she did not

My L

The man c

o together to keep her from shaking non-stop. Wit

new?" The


me when you ans

was truly a royal, such a beautiful chiseled

by the gods and she m

ra My

t her name and she liked the

hat is taking over th

My L

ou yesterday and you see

Lord, I must no

y loud don't

ke as I thought you were

them to wait when h

e the type to hold grudges for so long,

ot know w

ogize M

he poor girl Caspian

o play with her a


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