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The Billionaire's Missing Wife

Chapter 7 7

Word Count: 1074    |    Released on: 19/02/2022

tten me in charge of your meals.” Lyndon elegan

ry services are very easy nowadays Mr. Tate.” Utterly

ng the wrath that waits upon him if Sebastian found out h

e was, Heather let him

table all of which were nutritious. Lyndon c

didn’t want to fall for him ever again. She gave herself a long pep-talk and wa

has also sent me to get you some groceries,” Lyndon

awful to send you out to do trivial matters that he could’ve done on his own if he really wanted to please his wife, who’s already d

of the month but after that, he’ll have more time for you. In the meant

I won’t be asking anything from him.” Lyndo

er like a shadow which irked her a little, but she pitied

feeling now?”

casually. The studio was quite busy since Fabio

went straight to her office where

the lounge. I’ve sent you an email about it last night.” Heather

it any longer, Heather sprinted

n in a black suit was. His black hair was gelled perfec

d his back to look at the s

man in years and she wished it stayed that well

ect and as natural as Sebastian’s. He stood up and walked towards H

greatest artist.” He smiled looking at the m

rtably replied and turned her back t

ng Heather completely. She chose to forget everything that happened in the past. Knowing Tr

ou want?"

to surprise me with something special I can hang at our house.” He

you’ll be needing?” Tristan Sterling is a renowned architect. Both he an

n the day. It was for one of his classes and Heather sat down for him as a pretend client. She detailed out what she wanted i

t?” She said

rse, I'll do everything for you. Y

ueasy so she chose to dismiss his

ot rushing you. I can't wai

tact you if needed. As for the payment, I’ll give you a receipt.” Heathe

You look even more beautiful than before. S

awkward grin. “It’s all in the past now T

umbly bid him goodbye and went back to

er wanted to see again especially now t

io asked. Heather calmed down


Fabio asked. Since Sculpting and pottery wasn’t Heather’s ma

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