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Toying Alpha

Chapter 6 : Teeth and Fangs and Claws

Word Count: 1074    |    Released on: 16/02/2022

d with. Normal rage? Sure. Irritation? Oh, almost a day couldn’t go by

finding it rather hard to put into words ju

never judge that when she was reproachab

or being a Malamute, beagle, Sc

absolutely gigantic WOLF stand

t a Husky, but a tr

most certainly didn’t have Canis Syndrome? Why was

sinking feeling that made the anger burn hotter th

new pack member in was part of the alpha’s job so th

dumb for not realizing it when she was rai

ion. Valerie. It took only a moment for her to shift

the.” The tone was sof

act that something was about to give, li

kay? Why aren’t

nk now’s a good tim

ng with rage as she forced herself to keep them by her sides. S

wolf form, but by God did seeing his confu

g with your wants, shoved me onto other people, and I have behaved, but I am getting real sick and tired of not knowing anything. Of you springing everything up on me wi

busy. I don’t have

ut something definitely snapped, and with a snarl,

lammed her fist

an alpha to. He wasn’t even knocked over but swung

o get a good punch to her ribs in, but her own flying

with me?!” she screamed, but inste

his wolf form, which was twice the size of a

something snapped, but less in an emoti

ted like nothing, for the fight to be so bitterly twisted that he wouldn

ike a human when you were fighting as wolves. You didn’t shift to bite out a throat when you’d been fighting

eze and gag before rolling off of her, shifting back to cough while Jami

rce too, but she still got up on shaky legs, baring her te

snarled right back, refusing to be cowed

st some annoying gnat to shoo away to bother someone else! If you don’t want me in you

thought ‘good.’ She was dangerous, she was a threat, and

ugh, straightening back u

dical ward. Take care of her wounds

e couldn’t he

t in a fight, you don’t just shift forms, especially when you’re the d*mn alpha. Not unless you’re a

yed up and keeping aware of the rest of the Northeastern pack’s movemen

red Valerie, tug

ogan before spinning around an

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1 Chapter 1 : Feral Energy2 Chapter 2 : Oh, Poo–Poodle 3 Chapter 3 : Collared4 Chapter 4 : Beta be Trying5 Chapter 5 : A Pack of Doggos6 Chapter 6 : Teeth and Fangs and Claws7 Chapter 7 : The Blood and Bones of Questions without Answers8 Chapter 8 : The Lines of Expectation and Reality Blur9 Chapter 9 : Pride and Pack10 Chapter 10 : Distressed Genes11 Chapter 11 : Secret Agent Vibes12 Chapter 12 : Alpha Retirement Plan13 Chapter 13 : Helping You to Help Myself14 Chapter 14 : Alpha Pack Rat15 Chapter 15 : I Spy a Spy16 Chapter 16 : Call Me Out On It17 Chapter 17 : Believing in Love18 Chapter 18 : Rationalizations in the Night19 Chapter 19 : Like...Oh No20 Chapter 20 : Area of Affect and Affection21 Chapter 21 : Oh, Surprise Surprise22 Chapter 22 : Fighting Through the Revelations23 Chapter 23 : A Study in Healthy Support24 Chapter 24 : Just Bury Me with My Shame25 Chapter 25 : Breaking Down Lies26 Chapter 26 : (Don’t) Hold Your Breath27 Chapter 27 : Pouncing on the Tail28 Chapter 28 : Suspicious Riffs29 Chapter 29 : Pointing Fingers30 Chapter 30 : Falling for You31 Chapter 31 : Exploratory Notions of the Heart32 Chapter 32 : It’s Not Juicing, but it Sure is Something33 Chapter 33 : Stick it to Him34 Chapter 34 : Fun Sized Fury35 Chapter 35 : Like my Coffee, Bitter36 Chapter 36 : Letting it Go Let’s Go!37 Chapter 37 : Heart Over Mind Over Matter38 Chapter 38 : Gate Crasher Date Crasher39 Chapter 39 : Make What Make Up 40 Chapter 40 : Help Is On It’s Way41 Chapter 41 : The Wrong Sort of Help42 Chapter 42 : Sprint to the Finish43 Chapter 43 : A Culmination of Things44 Chapter 44 : Jaw Pains and Gains45 Chapter 45 : Coming to a HeadButt46 Chapter 46 : Oh, Bloody Hell, That’s Suspicious47 Chapter 47 : Apologies, We’re All Out of Trust48 Chapter 48 : Sleep for the WEEK49 Chapter 49 : It Starts Like This50 Chapter 50 : Who, What, When, Where, Why, and Somehow