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Toying Alpha

Chapter 15 : I Spy a Spy

Word Count: 933    |    Released on: 16/02/2022

an to stay in bed, but of course she had to go all secret agent on the matter w

on and break in at lunch time

l tru

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1 Chapter 1 : Feral Energy2 Chapter 2 : Oh, Poo–Poodle 3 Chapter 3 : Collared4 Chapter 4 : Beta be Trying5 Chapter 5 : A Pack of Doggos6 Chapter 6 : Teeth and Fangs and Claws7 Chapter 7 : The Blood and Bones of Questions without Answers8 Chapter 8 : The Lines of Expectation and Reality Blur9 Chapter 9 : Pride and Pack10 Chapter 10 : Distressed Genes11 Chapter 11 : Secret Agent Vibes12 Chapter 12 : Alpha Retirement Plan13 Chapter 13 : Helping You to Help Myself14 Chapter 14 : Alpha Pack Rat15 Chapter 15 : I Spy a Spy16 Chapter 16 : Call Me Out On It17 Chapter 17 : Believing in Love18 Chapter 18 : Rationalizations in the Night19 Chapter 19 : Like...Oh No20 Chapter 20 : Area of Affect and Affection21 Chapter 21 : Oh, Surprise Surprise22 Chapter 22 : Fighting Through the Revelations23 Chapter 23 : A Study in Healthy Support24 Chapter 24 : Just Bury Me with My Shame25 Chapter 25 : Breaking Down Lies26 Chapter 26 : (Don’t) Hold Your Breath27 Chapter 27 : Pouncing on the Tail28 Chapter 28 : Suspicious Riffs29 Chapter 29 : Pointing Fingers30 Chapter 30 : Falling for You31 Chapter 31 : Exploratory Notions of the Heart32 Chapter 32 : It’s Not Juicing, but it Sure is Something33 Chapter 33 : Stick it to Him34 Chapter 34 : Fun Sized Fury35 Chapter 35 : Like my Coffee, Bitter36 Chapter 36 : Letting it Go Let’s Go!37 Chapter 37 : Heart Over Mind Over Matter38 Chapter 38 : Gate Crasher Date Crasher39 Chapter 39 : Make What Make Up 40 Chapter 40 : Help Is On It’s Way41 Chapter 41 : The Wrong Sort of Help42 Chapter 42 : Sprint to the Finish43 Chapter 43 : A Culmination of Things44 Chapter 44 : Jaw Pains and Gains45 Chapter 45 : Coming to a HeadButt46 Chapter 46 : Oh, Bloody Hell, That’s Suspicious47 Chapter 47 : Apologies, We’re All Out of Trust48 Chapter 48 : Sleep for the WEEK49 Chapter 49 : It Starts Like This50 Chapter 50 : Who, What, When, Where, Why, and Somehow