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Bloody Red Moon: The Alpha Twins Male Luna Volume I

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1055    |    Released on: 15/02/2022

m, he just leaves the tight pants and wears some pants that were in his closet's wardrobe t

he came downstairs t

he table when his grandp

ctual if it was time to eat breakfast!” Angelo's eyes roll

said those words as a response, a plate that he

chef in his own hands. Stazie, his half-sister at his side snee

a mistress, he was always like that” After Stazie said those wor

ced the ice-cold gaze that resembled the sharp

in nervousness while her eyes wandere

you look at that, his half-sister had

’t a smile as he opened his mouth

ouse” when Angelo words fell, awkward silence filled the dining hall,

continued to eat his unfinished food, but Angelo was very cruel and careless since birth, how could he just let off the hook that ri

but had the guts to cheat her and shamelessly bring along his illegitimate children in my house” after Ange

me wrecker’ was quiet lik

with Zaques then they can say goodbye to the comfortable life as they will be driven out by the very own cruel and heartless boy who they always pro

again, he decisively reached out for a bottle and threw it at Angelo direction targeting its

empt to hurt him as his phoenix ey

saw in his peripheral vision that a bo

n his father's direction as a counteract, the fork he threw went straight i

ips became wider when he saw wh

father still angry figure but finally had a trace of nervousness attach in his handsome face “Don’t forget, I

rs as Angelo still continued to say the unfinished words when his phoenix eyes la

r own daughter who you barely raised in your old days because if you do, your situation might be worse than theirs. Do you understand, Mr Alford

felt before her

he mansion back from you? Right Grandpa Hamm?” Angelo 's eyes rolled w

rds fell, he became silent and didn’t c

he wishes he could go back to the old time when the boy was

ps in grace before

e, then walked outside the mansion to go to his new school g

d but they still finish their food as th

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