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The Motor Girls


Word Count: 1968    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

to be more exact, Elizabeth Robinson, the brown-haired, "plump" girl-she who was known as the "big" Robinson girl-was positively out of breath, while

e piazza, in the true ath

ed at the excitement so plainly shown, i

e," replied Cor

dark?" 'pe

went on Cora, while Be

to race," remarked the lad with a

," answered Isabel.

oke Jack's sister. "Yo


ughing so I c

coming for her," put

ointed that the su

ecify the time. It's nine-thirty now, but I'm

m," insi

you're ready, suppose we run along. Or, ha

ready in the morning for-well, you know what," and sh

ack quickly. "Pardon the slang, ladies, but some

or two into Cora's ear as she said g

and excitement. And, though they had not left the auto salesrooms until five minutes before the time Cora had appointed for her brother

o the automobile place, had proved a most interesting youth-he appeared

o be out that evening, so that, even to them, the visit to the garage

ep, Elizabeth was hear

n the c

ly answered, also

wn the

out-of-doors sleeping apartment, built on a

r seemed sprinkled with scented dew, when Cora Kimbal

the curb and, tooted the horn. "Hurry! I want to

rtake Walter," answered Isabel,

Cora. "What do you think of my car?" she asked a

nsiderable skill, for she had h

beth. "Why, it's simply beyond

ed Belle. "Aren't you t

prove it, when the engine was quiet, she threw forward the spark lever, shif


. He said when a charge of gas is in one of the cylinders

to learn," complimented


Cora with a laugh. "T

r a thing he said," co

get Paul? Didn't h

olite," a

" and she slowed down the motor somewhat, while, removing a pair of buckskin gloves from her long, tapering h

oiling the rear whe

either of them caring to risk ri

was securely fastened, and then pulled the speed lever and threw in the clu

d in the wind. They had not yet secured their motor "t

is glorious!"

oking at us," an

ra as she swung the car around a curve in good style. "

ent to Arden,"

turnpike," decided Cora as she threw in the high ge

at's that?" a

idn't strip them, but I might have done that chang

going rath

so much speed," begg

say you're nervous

t I

't be. I know ho

Paul showed her,

e wheel, but Cora grasped the wooden circlet firmly, and with a

elton folks, who had been to the depot with early city co

again begged Isabel, leaning over toward t

rmly on the brake pedal, while she was ready to grasp

ied Elizabeth as a small runab

what she finds interesti

er sister. "I think Ida is about as

e the noise of the motor, "how she manages to keep going. She rid

sisters," added B

t the depot," said Bess. "It's quite handy to have a chum wi

armless, even if she i

all that ails Ida-j


e was a level stretch. They were now approaching the worst part of the descent. From this point there was

ong-drawn, sh

t?" exclaim

el. "Oh, the train! Cor

harder on the brake pedal, and tried to use the compression

ed Elizabeth. There was a

rted more strength on the brake lever. "I've done al

t words in a curi

brakes!" c

n!" said Co

in! There at the foot of the hill! We'll ru

ommanded Cora

ned up against her. Below could be heard the puffing of the train. Then the engineer, se

or she felt a curious calmness. It was just as if she were looking at some picture of the scene. She thought she was

e track, along which the train was thunderin

ed Isabel. "Stop!" S

!" comman

el. "We'll all be killed

im reply. "But-I can't the

, for Cora was pulling on the b

to was sliding down the hill with ever-increasing speed

ch. The engineer of the train was blowing more frantic signals. He leaned from

h feet against

ms of her new gloves were starting from the s

e killed!" screamed Isabel. "

hile Cora, with a keen glance to either side, stiff

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