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The Motor Girls


Word Count: 3188    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

the auto would crash into the train, Cora's quick eye had seen

me, by any means at her command. There was but one

horrible an accident as if she collided with the train. To the right there was a

wn deeply into the mud. To run into the fence might mean that one of the rails would become entangled in the mechanism

wn the length of the

at she wanted! A

as brought to too sudden a stop in the mud? They would all be

the wheel Cora sent t

r. She had to hold her sister from being tossed but,

engineer of the train now tooting his whi


d a clump of willow trees it surged, throwing a spray of water in advance. Then

oung man, with a fishing-pole in his hands. She saw a spray of water, cast up by the aut

condition of her two chums, and, last, but not

and looked at the water fl

"I-I thought we were do

. "I never want to go thro

Cora fervently. "


n her hand, and dashed it into the white

re we-" s

laugh, though her voice trembled and her hands shook

enough," spo

the middle of Campbell's Pond. And we won't have to swim out, either. It's

he pillow out," added

ad to get a duckin

s who got a ducking," said Cora as


figure was standing up. The man with the fishing-pole was wip

zabeth. "I should think w

ldn't help it," said Cora, standin

he auto. The water was not very deep, hardly up to his knees.

ng, each of the girls

m. There was actually a little globule of mud on the end of his nose. He seemed as much amused ov

together certain about the state of the auto. "I'm afraid we've been v

very plucky, if I may be permitted to say so. I-er-I almost said my prayers when I saw you racing d

refused to work. This is a ne

, I know a little about cars. Perhaps I c

oung fisherman cranked up, from a very insecure and muddy footing

s all right

eel and threw in the low speed gear. There was a grinding sound, the Whirlwind seemed to shiver and shake, and then it began to move. A few seconds l

e young man. "I guess

t that brake. Per

t to introduce her friends and herself. The tw

st have surged into the st

p. "I was just trying to kill time by fishing, but it was a

ner of the auto, imitating the young man's masculine style of

twins. Mr. Foster had a most attractive manner

," he remarked to Co

th Co

I've heard Jack spe

was on

terrupted Elizabeth. She made no secret of

My interest in sports has rather kept me away from society. That

" came a hail

achine came along and drew up alongside the fence which separa

spattered young fellow. "If that isn't

m the car and running across the mead

eal is up,

ou come from?" Jack added as he saw the y

wer, as he looked down at his splattere

s hand. "When I was a youngster, and our big Newfo

big, and I may have just crawled f

een here forever if Mr. F

well, sis. But I told you so! A brand-new, spick-and

th. "We were almost killed!

ngly, "when you start out to save lives, why don't you give a fellow the tip? There's nothi

nantly, "but I don't want anything like it to

running right in it," put in Isabel, her voice

he motor girls so graphically that both Jack and Walter were compelled to admit that Cor

exclaimed Jack, when

have done b

aise indeed," spok

oose nut had fallen between the brake band and the wheel hub, and prevented the band

ready for the roa

ora quietly, but there was a

es rather longer than

ed Jack. "Haven't seen you in an age

ed Ed, with a glance at the mud spots that were now turning t

alter will drive for Cora, in case she is nervo

steer for us," begge

d feel so m

a light laugh. "Is that the way you t

," answered Isabel, giving her friend a little pinch on he

glad that she had come out of th

erman seated himself beside Jack. Then Walter ran Cora's car out of the mir

ldn't have seen you the entire summer," said Jack to Ed a

ou laughing at? Because I said I was busy? Well, I guess I have the busiest kind of business on hand. Say, let me whisper," and he


n, you know. Bank stocks. T

ank stock!" exclaimed Jack in a half

ided to. I'm going over to get it in a day or two. I'm to pay partly in cash, and turn over to them some of my bonds and o

out it," said Jack. "I

age soon, and he will have some cash to invest. But, somehow, there's a prejudice against

ors wouldn't like that. He's a reckless sort. I shouldn't mind his fits of crankiness, if he would only leave girls out. But when he goes in for some kind of mischief h

a level stretch of road and approaching Fisher's store-an "emporium," as the sign called it, and a place where one co

never did know in time. But, at any rate, you could always get soda water-t

nding on the steps of the store, Sidney Wilcox and

ms to me I'm bound to meet all my

k's car and up the

drawling answer. "But what's the

ng down at the mud spots; "but I

it. "Pity to take it all, though. You should

, said something in c

h Sid never turned he

wind. Cora remarked on

and Eli

or-er-Wall Street," said Sid to

that. No chance for

too much of a

Sid. "A fellow might make go

plan to take stock in the new bank? That was a

noticed much of the same manner in Ida, though Jack and Ed were not quite so critical. As for Walter, he did not seem to be giving Ida a thought

he broad store steps; B

Cora with a laugh. "I neve

h interested in the

awfully dry,"

tayed for a moment outside with Ida and Sid. The latter did not introduce Ed to Ida. It was a habit Sid had, of never presenting his

the latter attended college with Jack. That is, he was

finish next year, and I don't intend

'em?" rep

ed toward his car, Id

gh, wondering the while over the identity of the striking-looki

t," was Sid's answer as he began t

, though it didn't always live up to the name, and soon he

stock? I wish he didn't know of it. And I also wonder who that pretty girl was?" For Ida was pretty

d. He was puzzle

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