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The Wild Sex Slave

Chapter 4 Stuck in an Elevator

Word Count: 1209    |    Released on: 18/02/2022


efore to be their sex slave. I had worn a revealing gown that showed my breasts so I knew it was going

were on me. Gosh, this felt like before. Was

re by a friend. I heard you have a job.

your nam

know my surname. It was much easier to contin

my name. "You have a nice name m

y suffered all my li

, I didn't kn

bakery before. I got sacked because my manag

I'm so

s fi

ly made a phone call. "Alright, I

er face. "Third floor, 5th office by t

if he was one of the men who raped me but I hated everyone fro

ber on the button and stiffened up his face. He was dressed up in a simple way but I knew his face looked really f

lights flickered and finally went off comple

d? Why did the elevator st

h me, and cursing out loud, I grabbed the hold

pushed me away, I hit my head o

dn't b

unlight and windows made me feel nauseated. And I

okay?" He ask

gasped for air desperately. I tried k

e, sweating. My clothes stuck to my bac

shed I would wake up and be b

t was

He shook me, trying to pry my eyes open to look at him. "Miss," he called out in a soft

airs? I should have just taken the stairs if I knew I woul

of energy and sprung to my feet as the lights came bac

eamed at him as I shoved m

hat a way of showing appre

that for?!"

"I only h

r help." I screamed ba

face, I wiped under my eyes hoping

levator till tomorrow?" He suddenly

ave poured that water on me. What if w

e'll be hungry. Who thinks of

's a way we could

watching him open the panel

feel intelligent when I knew he wasn't smart enough. "The e

s, a programmed robot replied. "

anger. A light chuckle escaped my lips as

e was leaning on and pushed his

e. "Look, I don't want to be stuck with you. You make me remembe

statement? Did we really

or breath. "Don't do th

I pulled out my phone and tried calling someone who could he

ng in this elevator with me

my purse, I replied. "

s elevator so I woke you up with that cold water." He apologized, shrug

ed down at my chest as

important thing? How coul

he was a

asts, you animal!" I screamed

verado standing in front of me. The man who was part of the

overed my mouth so I wo

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