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The Wild Sex Slave

Chapter 5 Seducing Him

Word Count: 1034    |    Released on: 18/02/2022


he was a

asts, you animal!" I screamed

standing in front of me. The man who was part of the men

overed my mouth so I wo

James S

. I was not ready to meet him yet. I lo

de my heart beat in fear. Has he rec

right in front of him. My fear inten

you talking about? I'm the same

ieve that I didn't understan

I.... Don't worry, you're not the one. It's just that I feel a certain

re staring at my boobs the whole

at your boobs, I totally had my eyes

Don't lie,

n as I adjusted it, the realization dawned on me. He had been staring at my

s just staring at your side of the elevator when my eyes caught someth

egs in front of me, my dress hiking to the top

mfortably. "Does your feet hurt?" He

ed to be gentle, patient and

taring at me. "But if shoes hurt, why do you wear them?..... I understand, it

ou but there are guys who prefer ladies with high he

t w

s, I can't use a canvas with this short gown

a good actor. This was the same way he deceived me years back when we met where I w

nding again so I woul

'll help you,

His offer s

re about th

resist. No one could. And this was why I fe

wing him to take my feet onto his lap. "I'm

chuckle. "It's

uddenly asked and

e CEO of this organi

pretend to b

OMG, I'm in the same building with the CEO of this hug

winked at me. "Believ

me as he gave my fe

I was going to be stuck with him in an elevator for a while,

pportunity and I was referred

. "Andrew

Yes, Andrew

have to meet him again. I'll help you ge


y along. "You don't have to meet him. I'm the CEO and he's an as

man I knew... I decided to seduce hi

nts and faced him. He had his eyes focuse

h under his trousers but he still wasn

just wish I could fin

d to be signed under Andrew. I'll take you t


't hear me say I was wet. Gosh, I s

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