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A Night With Mr Lim

A Night With Mr Lim

Author: prettylove

Chapter 1 Experts

Word Count: 560    |    Released on: 19/02/2022

e you

re content and I'll advise the

tal and had his own natural way on how to do things. And he had his own

e kind of. He's a rich and aloof boss of his own, wh

ittle more about the male c

nerd. She's a woman who stands her ground even though the situation was a bit difficult. She'


ER 1

s the only chance she had. A chance to run away

ly toward the main door, h



he door but none. Still no sight of maids or butler, it's was ve

breath, and continue

, she smirks fi

ng?!" His husky deep voice as

ning to run away, but he was

h tone in his voice, walking down the stairs. From the way

r fear grow. She could felt her heart

a question gir

o speak out. She struggles with he

alk," she said frighteni


ment he w

re her waist abruptly. D

ispered. His words fell like hot breath on h

rips on her but she was pow

lowed an

lk around when you

e was planning to do with her again? Wasn't he satisfied

her, is that how obsessed he is

is words fell on her ears bre

say w

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