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Ghost Alpha's Baby

Chapter 2 Love or Lust

Word Count: 1172    |    Released on: 20/02/2022

ted to act cool, mature and slightly pissed off for a while, but a chill ran through me when I thought of the tiny, sexy smile he gave me. He knew how to charm a girl and would

doing great! Am I not

ou were, would

ed to slap the grin off of his face, but inst

rt now, okay. I'm doing jus

n angry, but decided to play along. A short gasp escaped my lips a

my fingers to his chest, my finger

ad no idea what those marks meant and yet I wanted it to be that I liked them. I con

brace and kissed my forehead. I frowned, realizin

, bringing my hands up to his face and immediately regr

er it was something else, something I didn't even know I was feeling. Something I didn't even want in my world and that was the minute I felt connected to him even more. I have no wo

't really possible. All I knew was that he was breathing on me and that it felt good. His mouth was moving over m

reathless as I tried to break our kiss, acting like

smirking. "Anything for

out on a date, even though he insisted initially that I was still kind of young to be spoiled. I've always been the one pushing

but it was too faint for me to understand. Walking towards him, but he stopped me. Trust me when I said I st

ears as I watched him walk through the door. Next, the door slammed shut. "I wondered how long I could stand to be seen with the guy who


her dream again. Can't a girl have a dream without seeing that same face again..?" I flinched as I lean

witched it on. The colors of the room seemed faded as the light hit my eyes, but the faint blue light seemed to offer enough illumination. When my fingertips touched

something or someone around me, but couldn't see anything. My stomach began to rumble loudly in my ears, my right arm felt tingly, th

his! It's so discomforting. Fuck!" I released,

God...!!!" I screamed so loudly, but softly, but in a blink, it disappeared. In the snap of an eye, I sa

matter Cilia

again in my dreams, and as I woke up t

much that's why! Just relax your nerves, I'l

m scared of

. Before you know it, it's morning al

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