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Ghost Alpha's Baby

Chapter 3 Just a wish

Word Count: 1116    |    Released on: 20/02/2022

I wish I could meet him in person. H

f your illusion Cilia! H

nda, I don'

he doesn't.

real." I paused, glancing around as I felt a sud

... Well, It's almost lunch time already, let's gra

if the

l… Sanny, th

do... It's been a

is coming

ong time since I saw him! Alri

aid he was a hottie in his appearance. His deep blue eyes were stunning, with a mesmerizing grin he was quite attractive, he still has that handsome

iercing enough to send shivers down any woman's spi

by! I'm done.

e gi

looming trees, so gentle, yet powerful, leaving my mind in a trance. All the thoughts of my

I jerked as I felt my sou

ng myself as still as possible as it moved towards me with it's hands raised. I turned to glance at Melinda, seeing her mood made me wonder if we both were going to make it

you...?" I bega

on the shoulder. His head darted over to where Melind

elieved it!" Melinda voiced, panting heavily too. She took a deep breath, smoothi

you two with these..." Stretching forward

n another way, though, didn't seem to be in a really bad mood, I glanced at her, notici

leaned over and turned the ignition on the car, turning the lights on, and off he drove us to a nearby park beach, a small park filled with lots of small plots of land that had large beaches covered

find the strange looking garage that stood on the far end of it, completely closed off. The door opened at my pull, leaving me standing there with my hand on the door knob. It slowly swung open,

vousness filled me. I gasped soft

ha ha ha ha..." A heavy masculine voice laughed loudly from inside the garage, turning off the lights an

o creepy, so familiar like the voice in my dream." I said,

e in shock, staring in awe as the eyes looked straight at me, shining down at me. Another heavy male voice spoke, while my eyes were still ad

ions it held within, a big smile of pure pleasure spread across his

our way, young

iend was around here. I'm so sorry sir."

ted. His head bowed but I could see it was him. "I see... So he was the one

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