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Love Is A Risk

Chapter 4 You tried to seduce me

Word Count: 1137    |    Released on: 21/02/2022

iness as I have a steady boyfriend. You have been away for five long years. You went a

planning to get married.” He

people.” I said, thinking there

that he could look through the stone. My heart started hammering and he pu

left behind." I was panicking but he was smiling devilishly. I was

ke! let me g

member your seventeenth birthd

ies of humiliation of that ni

s lips over mine. Nobody had ever kissed me like that before, nobody but Blake that night when I was seventeen. It had been my weakness

I tied to push him but he held me more tightly his mouth moving over mine searching

ented and his fingers found my tight nipple through the silken t-shirt and started stroking

d kiss you endlessly.” He rasped, his eyes probing her

k and his fingers closed hard over my

at you tried to seduce me but now what? Do you w

our talk with Gray, we are coming

e away and to

and I shouted saying, if he t

his head and

urned twenty eight this year and Richard ’s b

ng my brothers so I g

d kiss you when you get angry?

to the door signaling him to go out. “

ring”? Blake sa

and told h

a slice of homemade chocolat

said,” So what did you decide

d at me and

d told them my decision

must really

only he knew what wa

?” I demanded shar

ll I have some rules which you need to follow if you want

d to come he

inking, what is wrong with me I agreed to Blake's ’s challenge and now

ew perfectly well that other women of my age had the magical abili

dship but later I felt comfortable with him as he gave me my space and for the first time I wanted to share my future with

he simply didn't want to rush me but now he has gone to Lon

n a car accident. Richard was very young and had to be responsible for us. Blake even helped Nick to choose his career

heard about his strings of linkups he had with models and actresses. He had a lot of e

for more. His seducing ability is too good as I had melted away in

s for him before he starts teaching

e last bit of cake a

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