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Hunter vs Hunted: Moonlight

Chapter 3 Preperation

Word Count: 1203    |    Released on: 26/02/2022



right of the sliding glass door. The fireplace was glowing with a warm fire and the tv above was a sp

y the dishes. Poppy disappeared down a hallway next to the kitchen. I debated following her before deciding to take my mu

ree trunks and a broad chest strained against his long-sleeve white shirt. His hair was the color of san

he said and took my cup. He dumped the rest down the s

d. Tell her thanks

he soap off and placing it on a towel next to the sink. Someone behind him grabbed it but I didn’t notice w

y. I should probably

“Poppy’s eighteen Alex. I’m pretty sure she can handle a shower a

ight before my first hunt. My mom sat with me all nig

hat. If I remember right, you got you

mpire nest up in Mi

say that, now come on. I

with the lake outside. On the wall facing the lake, large floor to ceiling windows looked out over t

ch was normal for him. Black hair and serious eyes, he only spoke when he felt his opinion was needed. Patrick was his opposite in almost every way. With red hair and a constant smirk, he never took anything seriously. “We’re all gonna

ball into the hole, with the cue following shortly after. Patrick groaned and Logan’s stony face softened

r,” Patrick said with a scowl, the

soft like the whisper of unsheathed steel. He handed his cu

ogan. Harley laughed a full belly laugh and Logan cracked a

ntil I sunk the 8 to the excitement of the small crowd of agents. Adam had made his way down after a few minutes, his dark hair slick with water a

e crowd let out an uproarious laugh and Harley grinned good-natured

” Adam called, and any protests were silenced or delayed by

s empty now, the TV black and the controllers put on the table under it. The dishes from dinner and coffee were washed, dried, and stowed away befo

stalls. On the other side were lockers opposite open showers. I grabbed my products and towel from my locker and turned one of the showers on, enjoying the heat as I scrubbed my hair and skin

e forms from the bed glanced at me before settling under their covers. I found the bunk Poppy and I were sharing and tossed my clothes in the chest at the foot. Blonde, curly hair peeked o

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