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Bound to the Wolfless Moon

Chapter 9 Catching Up

Word Count: 1189    |    Released on: 24/02/2022

oor wondering to myself if that would do any amount of good against this part

h Kevin? I saw him dancing with Tina, Tina with the blue hair not Tina from the bookstore, which i

also positioned myself into a more comfortable position, sprawling out on the couch. “And while I was out there coll

exhausted and still very intoxicated.

hat. It’s hard to describe. I was shocked that someone so alluring would even talk to

I knew that dress was going to

tell it had honey in it,” I offered quickly. I wanted to giv

to a sour expression. “Wait, they sniffed you? Good thing they’re pretty, b

s always a huge comfort to me. “Enough of that, what

led, I guess, I couldn’t find him anywhere. You were already long gone, and the party was winding down, y

shook my head.

ike ‘Hey I like your car’ and he goes, oh my god and I’m not even kidding, he goes ‘If you think the car

elling her who he really was would be a lethal risk. He must have left soon after the

stand ins go, I think he did pretty well for himself. We had a few more drinks.” She tried to push herself up as though just remembering something. “Oh my g

you’re drunk.” Despite my best efforts, I was finding it hard to keep from being defensive of my frien

ted something that he had. After that, he escorted me home like a gentlem

n the sleeves of my hoodie nervously. “We cuddled a little. I can’t

u are destined for each other!” She sounded like she was reading the synopsis of one of the annoying shows she watches

n a hurry. “I’m going to go get you

u isn’t a he, do they have a-,” She waggled her index finger at me

sh. “I... I don’t… How should I know?!” With that, I tu

a heavy sigh, I placed the dishes on the coffee table in front of her for when she woke

erly picked them up, taking in the texture of each of the fabrics while avoiding any contact with fluids. My instinct was to throw them away, but

h steam and the scent of apple cider, I thought back to how warmly they held me. It felt like they knew exactly when to touch me a

their lips were as soft as they looked. I wanted them to hold me again and tell me ever

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