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Bound to the Wolfless Moon

Chapter 7 The Overnight Guest

Word Count: 1289    |    Released on: 24/02/2022

e door for me. I had never had anyone open a vehicle door for me before unless you coun

he key in the lock. Hikaru let out a quiet shhhhhh sound. “You’re completely safe. I won’t le

od sugar. It’s fine.” I eventually managed to turn the key and open the d

Was it werewolves that you had to invite inside? I don’t consume a lot of

black hair. “Thank you. Your trust means a lot to me.” They take a few

Do you like soup? Do you have any dietary restrictions? Can werewolves even be vegan?” Feeling myself s

ke something just for me, though.” They looked down at their clothes as though just now realizing how torn and bloody t

ould have questions for sure. “Yes, absolutely. I mean, you’re taller than m

t were leftover from the year I promised myself I’d become more active. I probably wore th

uld mean they probably differed from me in that region. I didn’t have

ore, and now I’m panicking over underwear for someone who is about t

offering the clothes to them with an awkward smile. I reminded myself to not ask about the underwear. I didn’t want to give them the w

e bathroom, I made my way into the kitchen to get things ready. I filled a platter with fistfulls of cheeses, meats, crackers, and veggies. Sinc

were currently placing their immaculate body inside my drab off brand clothes. The thought of it made me sweat, but I wasn’t sure

’ve had in a long, long tim

ve on the socks or hoodie, but I assumed they weren’t going to fit them very well anyway. Their b

t know how you take it, so I put some things out.” I

into the couch next to me with a warm smile

I had so many questions, but nothing felt a

ean their battered body. After letting myself get lost in my imagination, I snapped back in a tiny

an, I’m not ready. I haven’t even been kissed before, so I’m not, like, experienced. With that

it back on the coffee table. “So

ode in their vehicle and invited them into my home. They were nak

complicated to explain, but it's undeniable that I was drawn to you. But you don’t have to do anything you aren’t comfortable with for my sake, ever.

my body closer to them on the couch while staring down at my knees. I felt a warm arm wrap around my shoulder

ile I sleep?” I asked, weakly.

to be alone again unless you want to be.” Their tone was genuine, and their body

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