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The Luna's Rogue Alpha

Chapter 9 Wolves in a Tavern

Word Count: 1641    |    Released on: 24/02/2022


n’t look li

act like o

dressed in a fine blue coat that set his gray eyes alight. His hair was slightly da

ared as though he had grown up hi

e Manor summoned a chan

he second William showed up, however, Randall began behaving, showing up to tea with a smile on his fa

g me any detail and description I desired abou

en agreement had seemed to pass between them on the matter of Randall’s past, and the more I learn

life outside of the pack, William was enthusia

about the upcoming ball fo

nto my tea. “The eligible men and women of society are required to

his chair. “Randall said you were betrothed we

a hard look. His mouth tw

was a little

” Randall cut in, his voice clear and direct as he shot me a warning glance. “George was requi

liam was genuinely curious, his motives totally innocent. Randall

o high society, unfortunately. Being Luna w

orn for the


who hold the Alphadom seek to further their lines.” Randall stood, forcibly setting his teacup on th

apologetic nod before follow

hange of attitude at the mention of my first season



s just as I h

e and unwashed bodies. No one from Court would be caught dead on

the second we had sat down at one of the rickety tables with mugs

never mentione

had been savoring, nearly choking

no re

wn you to be a saint, but I’ve never seen you in love before

since we were chil

erupted in rage when I

n to marry my brother long before she knew what that meant. I…I

why yo

ing smile as my cheeks began to burn. I leaned forward,

? I don’t know anyone who actually worships there. No one shifts, either. And I mean, ever.” I leaned back, watching a wave of shock cross

uted at, what did she ca

uld have. But I left b



here and tell me she had noth

her wanted status to go along with his wealth. My father was in ill health and needed to set George up with a Luna who could run things when—” I paused, a sudden realization flooding through my core. Why had Fat

outh suddenly dry

ble had been knocked over, and several men were tussling in the corner. I stood just in time to jum

ice echoing through the tavern as

apologies. William raised a golden eyebrow in my direction

th light brown hair and a softly handsome face. I brushed the dirt from his shoulders as I f

,” he stammered, spitting bloo

ng forward and brandishing a fist towards Klaus.

held out his hand to prevent the

rom the back of the room, and the man standing in front

rn girls who were busy picking up the sha

d, looking back at me with a strange expression on his face. He bowed, not takin

hair, his gray eyes scanning the room for further threats. I shrugged, w

e of the tavern, and a man stepped out from a shadowed corner. “Sorry about the ra

ing a hand on my shoulder, and pull

the shoulders and giving him a smile. Markus was a comm

ght you, actually. I need to talk to you

nodding at William. Markus nodded, giving

ome things you need to know, about yo

unease settling in my sto

nd stepped forward, giving

leaning forward as not to be heard by the other patrons in

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1 Chapter 1 Clara, The Luna2 Chapter 2 The Other Cavendash Brother3 Chapter 3 The New Alpha4 Chapter 4 High Tea5 Chapter 5 Best Behavior6 Chapter 6 A Dinner with the Elders7 Chapter 7 Cavendash Cottage8 Chapter 8 A Rogue Comes to Cavendash9 Chapter 9 Wolves in a Tavern10 Chapter 10 On Great Expectations and Wealthy Daughters11 Chapter 11 The First Ball12 Chapter 12 Lord Von Lucius13 Chapter 13 A Brief History14 Chapter 14 A No-Good Scoundrel15 Chapter 15 First Edition16 Chapter 16 Making of a Luna17 Chapter 17 Dinner with Markus18 Chapter 18 The Townhouse19 Chapter 19 Regina Granger20 Chapter 20 The Road to Cavendash Manor21 Chapter 21 The Aftermath22 Chapter 22 The Lady's Maid23 Chapter 23 The Making of a Rogue24 Chapter 24 A Break from Society25 Chapter 25 The Usual Spot26 Chapter 26 Vintage Wine27 Chapter 27 Ether28 Chapter 28 A Murder in Adelaide29 Chapter 29 Huntington Manor30 Chapter 30 A Night with the High Elders31 Chapter 31 A Midnight Stroll32 Chapter 32 The Golden Wolf33 Chapter 33 The Luna's Cloak34 Chapter 34 Town Gossip35 Chapter 35 The Full Moon Ball, Part One36 Chapter 36 The Full Moon Ball, Part Two37 Chapter 37 A Secret Heir38 Chapter 38 The Gazebo39 Chapter 39 Moment of Truth40 Chapter 40 Lie with Me41 Chapter 41 Support and Suspicions42 Chapter 42 A Not So Public Laison43 Chapter 43 History Repeating Itself44 Chapter 44 Into the Storm45 Chapter 45 The Missing Rogue46 Chapter 46 Wolves in a Clearing47 Chapter 47 End of an Era48 Chapter 48 The Mate49 Chapter 49 The End50 Chapter 50 Epilogue