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Siren of the Lake

Chapter 3 Duty and Honour

Word Count: 1282    |    Released on: 24/02/2022

h sharpened ears for any hint of danger, some readied themselves for a threat, but n

ry so often for danger. There was no doubt about it; the sounds of their accelerated heart rates and widened eyes that darted bac

s raspy, and his words were disjointed, breaking as he gasped for intermi

the boy’s back. “It’

had been haunting their pack, as well as the surrounding area for over half a ce

re breath. He was covered in dried mud and

oy nodded. “Ok, great. So, what’s

the area, so Galen mentioned that we push a bit farther and see if we can find something.” He ran a shaking ha

at their surface. “We ended up at this lake. Not the one we know about…a different one. It was—quiet. A little

Jereth piped up f

g in front of him as Ambrose dictated the conversation. It was how he often reacted to large-scale threats—thoughtful

uietened. But when we did, he wasn’t there.” The boy turned to Ambrose.

here. You and Dilan go home, take it easy and be with your families. You did good, kid.” Easton and Dilan both nod

instant, his façade dropped, and Da

aid through gritted te

t him back,”

g himself unable to say it. Damon knew exactly what he

home. Either way, he is co

ck were starting to protrude. When he looked ba

course of action. We can’t just jump in

ropose we do?”

subjected to her song and if that happens, any operation is useless. We

hing to block

d find some way to break it. No…this will have to be stealt

rtually im

things as quiet as you can. The boys will tell their families,

ould need to use the element of surprise to catch the siren off guard somehow, but the solution to that problem would be a lot hard

he background. His own brain brimmed with solutions, but he rejected one after the other,

ng his father and Ambrose completely off guard.

ghtly as he walked towards Damon, ac

le with more than one person. If one of us goes, we hav

bsolutely not. I admire your

u’ve seen me

don’t think you’re ready to go

es? Come on, Dad. You k

rained and resolute. He wasn’t agreeing with h

o this,” Dam

Galen. Anger boiled inside of him as he remembered how deeply his father was affected by his grandfather’s death, and how it still haunted

his arms around Damon and gripped him tightly before backing up. He kept both hands on Damon’s shoulders and observed him with a pr

y chuckled.

off into the town. Damon watched his father’s figure get further and further, then disappear around a corner, and his

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