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Siren of the Lake

Chapter 9 The Ascenders

Word Count: 1069    |    Released on: 24/02/2022


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ke how wolves have packs—sirens

somewhere safe, with

delaide responded.

out of your control. Sure, wolves disowned unruly or disloyal pack members, causing them to become rogue, but killing

ound the word. “Do they have any distinguishing f

d. “No—but they have a

heard of them,

hey like to keep

he asked. “Wiza

r of her head that accentuated her jawline. The beauty marks on her neck revealed themse


ost packs who lived anywhere near cities were very cautious to avoid detection and only

the one who brought to light the reality of wolves to the r

mon asked curiously. “Ar

ere she left it and from her expression, Damon could tel

need you then i

e’,” she replied with a tone of sarcasm as she rolled her eyes. “With

as an elaborate one that she had thought out entirely from start to finish

g about the other murders not being your faul

aide shared. “How fa

. For once, he didn

We hold what our leader calls ‘the siren gene.’ Since my grandmothe

amon instigated. “…That’s

nodded. “Being a siren is like being

n blurted out without thinking, pro

hispered curiously

gaze was softer than he had seen it since they met, but somehow, it was also brok

o lure in men and since her song didn’t work, maybe this was another tactic to catch him. And could he co

reaching the silence.

tantly perked up. “

utting my pack in danger. Do you have any sort of plan?” Damon lo


this and no idea what you’re going t

ece of paper that was frayed on multiple edges. When she

her once told me of this place called the Royal Shift…it’s located in the ol

he could see and pointed to a minuscule b

Damon asked as he

leader and what they’re fighting against. Suppose you could call them a sort of rebell

go? Will they accept you since

I have. I didn’t ask to be the siren; it was forced on me.

ded. “I u

amon, her gaze hopeful.

at this entire situation. H*ll, Damon himself knew how ridiculous it sounded. Except he needed to—no matter

his knees with his hands. He took a breath a

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