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His Possession: You're mine

Chapter 2 Blindfold

Word Count: 929    |    Released on: 24/02/2022

w why but all she could think of was what her parents were discussing with the unknown man

cision. But why is her eyes begin

take off the blindfold, that leaves her more curious. Because she clearly remembers that her father told her they're coming to visit a friend. But here

d her not to say a word because her Dad friend wouldn't tolerate that. She was

as her father p

She had heard of that name before but where? And why is her father pleading to the man, didn't he s

is same trash?" The man's voice was ice and cold as he yells to her parents. Her heart went skipping. Her father and mother didn't tell her anything abou

ey are!" The girl yelled bravely. Her parents were more frightened than ever as they bit on their lips looking at their stubborn daughter they told her not t

ose eyes aren't looking at the parents but the girl's

Not bad at all" he lick his lips "she will keep m

ying? Did her parents bought her there to use her

ime you gave to us. By then, I promise I must have made up to your money

head back on the chair as his eyes moved from the parents

lovely and back to the paren

he complete bill. I would never shut down your company in that way

nts going to sell her out to save their company? She knows for some days now that the company was not doing well and her father always seemed worried. He couldn't eat or do anything. Her mother on the other hand was

up their only child to a strange and brutal man or lose their only surviving hope t

ust said. He was expecting her to burst out her running mouth to challenge him the more but the more she tried to challenge him, The more he prepared

nd Mrs. Jones?" The man asked b

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