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His Possession: You're mine

Chapter 8 Dinner

Word Count: 1020    |    Released on: 24/02/2022

e first" she slaps her hands and

called" the youn

lady face, she just wondered if indeed she was going to have dinner with the unknown man in his h

aside from them. Miss Anna didn't failed to feed her eyes on the process. Now, a new mistress had arrival, is her re

the mirror. She was indeed spelling, a walking sex on the beach. The makeup was

Anna nodded to her words. Before she left the room, she turned to

e looks ravishing, the lady can't see such a beauty and leave without commenting. She wonde

id. immediately, the maids wear her all the jew

wo or a dinner party,

tool and looks at herself in the mirror in front of her. Truthfully, t

ss Anna get to kn

tedly to her, she wasn't expecting that at all. Why did they blindfold her eyes again. Is their master that ugly

indfold agai

k questions or speak on your accord. just do

monster was ugly as a bastard. That was the on

alk. As her heard the door sounds, then she knows they're leaving the room. She felt her feets climbing on the stairs. And then, she knows they'

alk down the staircase befor

ve minutes before them seat her down. Bowed their heads

ted and immediately she knows she

monster who separate her from her family. The unknown man was busy paying his time to the p

s Anna greetings, she instructed t

lly not to do anything that would provoked the beast.

done with the serving. An

able is set"

hands and looked at the table. before his eyes fell on t

shing to see the ugly face of the man,

y the girl was more than gorgeous, she was seductive! He c

out her name to him. How did he get her name? She wanted to asked but something stop her, she had to stays calm if she was to leave here alive. She didn't k

o his comment instead she

is girl would not be bor

k to dips into the delicious meal sitting

h my eyes blindfol

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