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Royal Spirit

Chapter 5 A New Friend and a Few Blessings

Word Count: 986    |    Released on: 28/02/2022

he left the room and brought a chair in there so she could sit behind me and wrap her arms around me. I'm sure as an R.A. they gave them plenty of emotional training and how to handle those i

ackly "Thanks". Emily nodded and left the room. S

I can help get you in touch with resources that will get you extra support, and luckily we have classes that late bloomers and those with special situations can enroll in to get some extra support. I will also help you whenever I can, and I know Marie and S

o wake up. There were people that would help me here. My roommate-I mean my friend was going to help me, and hop

ded up with you as a roommate, and a…a…friend." I sai

We are going to take care of you, I promise." Emily said with a smile, pulling me into a hug. It felt nice to be hugged, as I could not remember the last time anyone hugged me. As I said before, I ne

I brought my car on campus and do not have a curfew like the rest of you have, so I can actually go get

thers from dinner. I hope they aren't upse

go to dinner without us, but they wanted to stay in support of you. I told yo

ou want." I handed her my phone and watched as she typed my number i

ou to know, you can always come to talk to me if you would like to continue our conversation from earlier. Sora and Marie will feel the same

comfy, comfier than any bed I'd had before. Emily was truly a bl

nd even Marie and Sora, although I haven’t met them yet. Thank you for sending me here, and please continue to guide me as I s

. I really should talk to the Goddess more and seek peace within her love. As I starte

ur support system. The decision to place them in your path was not made lightly. Trust in them, and you can eventua

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