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Changing My Fate

Chapter 5 Coffee Shop Rundown

Word Count: 4047    |    Released on: 12/03/2022

has helped her around the house, learning the names of the staff and where everything is. During this time, Chloe was hoping

might be a

imes years to fully regain their memory. Until it has been at least a few months, she isn

house, as well as contact her manager Lisa and tell her that she is awake and recovering well, hopi

has, including her previous life. The chef seems to understand the strict diet that Athena kept herself on, but after a little bi

and kid-style clothing she seemed to have. It's clear the kind of image and style that Athena built her fame off of; the cute and sweet style

e is a good step towards that. Long gone are the frilly miniskirts and bedazzled shirts, she has traded them all out fo

ery other big-name celebrity in the city is using, even if it isn't the greatest te

with her father coming home periodically throughout the week to make his presence

study, but the documents Chloe took from Mr. Collins are alre

cker, is the school and herself. Unless there is any immediate danger to her life or she is killed, someone like he

she is, and what she might be capable of. From what she has heard from Margaret, she doesn't seem like the brightest person, but

abandoned her to become rich on his own. Nothing in reality should belong to Stella, and if there is anyone, she should be angry at and want revenge from, it shou

r to what Chloe wanted in her former life. The only difference between the two, is that Chloe wa

Athena's phone and giving them their own nickname so Chloe can remember and figure out who th

sa, what

weekend so early, I hop

nd her voice is rus

ing happened

right, I was on my way to your agent's office to see if there is any new projects or contracts av

nto the phone, already on her feet and heading to

with your agent, Mrs. Janet! I knew she was trying to make a name for herself in society, but I didn't think she would go as far as to u

on, I'm getting ready and heading over right away. It's time Mrs. Janet and I talk, anyway." She hangs up and runs around the closet until she finds a pair of jeans and hoodie, yanking everything on and grabbing a pa

the garage. She presses the alert button on the set of keys and locates the car they belong to before racing off. She looks in her phone for he

, but she can at least get there soon enough after to make sure that Stella d

l out her own hair. Chloe has quickly come to realize that Lisa is a very anxious and easily unnerved p

de, just in time for Stella to be leaving Mrs. Janet's office

ng towards Chloe with a fake air of confidence. Chloe can tell she is just putting on an act, but knows deep do

s as Athena that they inherited from their father, but her skin seems to be a lot lighter than Athena's and not just because of their fake tans, which Chloe stopped applying to herself

em narrower and more defined, unlike Athena's natural beauty and already angled face and chiseled cheekbones. She a

she living the life Stella thinks should belong to her, a life

ve a career I need to tend too. Which reminds me, you haven't come to see me at all sis

being submissive like before. This is the new and improved Athena, and she has a lot comi

y ran into Stella, not thinking it would be so soon, but always hoping it would be a public occurrence like now. The more people, the quicker a

you or our family, I have relied on our father to tell me everything. Does he know you're awake?" St

is week to make sure I am alright and recovering well. But I forgive him for not telling you, it must have slipped his

in the past week alone. But Stella and her mother haven't been announced as Julian Rose's official family yet, and if they are revealed t

uence that no one will ever talk negatively about him or tarnish his ne

herefore making sure Stella and her mother are never accepted into t

you would be returning to work soon, I have always admired


big sister? She doesn't expect people to believe that Stella is younger than Athena? Although they aren't far in age and their appearanc

ducts, but it doesn't stop her young body from producing and causing the break outs, showing that she is still very close to being considered

omeone very known to society, and Stella has already started to try and make a name for h

ng to offer a naïve smile to Stella and pa

definitely make plans to meet up for coffee soon and catch up, leave your schedule with my manager outside and I'll

busy schedule, and how Stella will always have to go through someone else to get to Athena, since th

the hard work of others, rather than work for it herself and make her own name and influen


ined look on her face. She isn't only there to talk business and Mr

ago? Can I also assume that's why you're here?"

eel I have recovered enough to return to work. However, she was stopped at the front door when she saw Stella walk in, and

ake on new clients, Miss Rose? I am not exclusive to

he wants to steal all the good potential work from Athena and make a bigger name for herself in her place

and as you know, my family doesn't currently have a good standing with Miss Madden and hers. Don't you think this could ca

this over a little, but her

e a stronger relationship than she and I do, which can potentially affect my decision on future work. But she said she is also will

for all of it. She isn't just trying to go after Athena's modelling career like she thought, she is trying to make a bigger name for her

gs, but will help Stella make a name for herself everywhere else, whether they be small gigs or not, it wi

her with her current image and status, so getting a new agent unrelated to Stella is out of the question. Even if she does find a new an

r think, she has to return home and think of a better plan to make s

g. I know someone like Mrs. Janet will definitely help her achieve her goals," Chloe says and flashes her a sweet smile to once again cover up her tru

, so that when the time comes to reveal Stella and her mot

nterested in. Would you like to discuss it here, or have me send it to you through email and you can look it over and give me

a and see what gigs I'm able to take on. I'll give you a call

iver now, wanting nothing more than to sit in the back and think about the new obstacle standing in her way. Turning on the car, she decides to look

nearest coffee shop and navigates her maps towards it, drivi

of time before she gets her hands on even mediocre work and makes a small stand in society. Chloe has to keep her eye on S

e concern then, will be who he turns to and what they are capable of. If he turns to someone like Stella, there is a sma

he will at least never get his hands on her mother's original will, having told Mr. Collins to take that out of his office as w

d pay attention to her surroundings. She locates the small coffee shop along the strip and parks on the

s lost in thought once again on all the new issues she now faces, and the previous issues she has been trying to solve. She ne

inancial concerns like her former life

n a vehicle rips around the corner and onto the clear street, just as she ta

ely shuts her eyes and awaits an impact that never comes. When she opens her eyes, the cars bumper is touching her kne

past week, gone just as quickly as her forme

as a tall and dark stranger comes running towards h

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