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Playboy : Hold Me Tight, Stepbrother

Chapter 7 STARTLED

Word Count: 1235    |    Released on: 20/03/2022

nd Gérard chuckled and out of nowhere he packed his hair into a ponytail and took back his black long sleeve on top of the sofa and wore it. While the lady was f


ed her hands on her che

later,' Gerard said and the lady stared at me, from head to toe and hi

a. This is pretty awkward and I feel like I came here at the wrong time and moment. Remembering the woman, he just kissed on the lips was disgusting and annoying. How many women has she k

be careful of him. How am I going to live

y, you had to s

normal and I'm not a child

you s

ence for a few seconds, this was getting

chool and your brother wants me to teach you and help yo

your results?'' He asked and I quickly opened my bag and brought out the results. Getting up from the sofa. I stretched my hand to give it to him and he collected it and glanced at the results. After a few seconds, "We are starting th

be closed in th

, as he dropped the results at th

eplied. Re

that good. But, you

sed. Have you ever been in a situation, in front of someone you once had a crush on and that person sees y

re you still a

yone will go home and I think that's why Nicolas wants me to s

ou to move in today and I wasn't expect

! I exc

today. He told me when he call

hasn't closed yet, and I haven't

ou can send my driver to p

"It's my privacy and I was suppo

oyfriend already?' He

e one,' I qu

il the school closes. If it's because

iend and I was just thinking about m

y just your friends at the ho

mean anything.' I pretended t

.' He asked. Why was he asking me

I hav

both his eyebrows

und the right one


laughing. Well, I didn't like the way he was laughing and that was ki

n he smiled at me. "I didn't mean to

Topic. I didn't like where the conversation was going. I don't want

and then, he took out his


He re

rom Spain,

He didn't look like someone that smokes and he seemed so clean. He put the cigarette on

n't look like someone from Spain, alt

cause of

nly that, your s

ice, do I look hand

k different from the Spanish kind,

as he removed the cigarette from

d. It's cool?' I

iled and took the cigare

for a favor and I know this isn't the r

. I'm all ear

ook for a Jo

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