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The Call Of The Night

Chapter 3 [II]

Word Count: 2727    |    Released on: 20/03/2022

apter: On My Wa

grieved howl of a wolf that has just lost its mate. However, the tone changes soon as more and more howls join in, which first

night - this is the daily routine. And my apprehension and curiosity - a

can't quite figure out, or maybe he's livid at me for distancing myself from him. Obviously he understands what I'm doing. I'm drawing myself more and more into my own cocoon of

other that rips through the sky, and even through my heart. It does shatter my heart every single night to he

else, and maybe one day find some solution to this nightly te

my suspicion and another strangely intense feeling that coldly creeps up from the apex of my

í mou", he whispers, with such adoration that I almost melt in his arms. His soft whisper echoes through the wind, as the heat from his body crosses the negligible barrier of fabrics between us and warms me up. His hands skim up and down in a regular, soothing motion on my upper arms and I feel my whole body relax. The howls have long faded away in the background, and all I hear is the soft murmur of the wind against the leaves, the steady thump pf our hearts beating in synchrony with each other, and his even breathing that in turn accelerates mine - in sweet anticipation, not apprehension. "Se agapó", he whispers again, against the shell of my ear. "What does that mean?", I whisper back, my curiosity getting the better of me. He chuckles - a silky sound that resonates thr

e back of my eyelids, the warmth of his touch still causing the skin of my upper arms to tingle pleasantly. I try

when I am lying in my own bed at my own home. But as I am thinking it through again, it does feel odd to call this place my home. If it is indeed my home, why don't I ever fit in? Why don't I have a shi

ong those tracks Aizea!,

by someone else. Shaking my head in order to clear my weirdly wild running thoughts, I

en harder on the ground and letting the other foot join it. I stand up shakily, and slowly, very carefully tiptoe my way to the door. I peek outside throug

d to seeing in them is lesser in magnitude than the previous morning and the wayward determination that has recently star

ll this mess; I really do.

y handsome in my dreams? Who is he? Is he even real? What g

e all, do I have any way out of... everything... if I don't take his hand? I am just g

vil forces? Can I even betray this family that has brough

.? Even,

n is a better choice. I hate this part of the morning. Facing my

hened up and hurry out. Melinda is in a night gown and is grim and grave as she retrieves the box of cereals from a kitchen shelf. I don't even speak

now you is already standing at the tipping point and what may set them off. I don't even dare sigh in exhaustion, as I finally take the boiled mi

he knew that I may have my own opinion about something that I may very probably be not be able to ex

suddenly spikes up like never ever before, and I peek up from behind the curtain of


ant to tremble and mak


you call it, that seems to be in war with her determination - her determination to keep the promise that she had once made - the promise to keep me safe. The red also seems to be a bleed of

ath just a second back, but right now, I am livid, as a sense of betrayal seeps bitterly into every pore of my body. Why was she staring like that

But then I remember a rare advice that the stunning man from my dreams had once given me - Never turn your back on an animal while you decide to flee

extending his palm to me, for me to take his hand to wherever he supposed to take me. But, there were nights when he

mething that I don't. And, he knows that I will need t

inda who's still standing where I last saw her and wash the spoon, feeling her gaze burn holes into my back all the while. Washing cutlery before eati

ling. I feel unsafe, very very unsafe in my own home. Over everything, I don't even feel like I'

ue-as-the-sea eyes lock on me and they almost bore into my soul with the burning intensity of his suspicion. "Looks like whatever was troubling your sleep has finally left you al

s very different. Sometimes, just a short while there stretches althroughout the nigh

ant smile of his own in return. His suspicions seem to have lessened a bit, if only just a tiny bit, and I'm grateful to

e as soon as I am seated, but a strong arm grabs the edge of the desk from behind, blocking her way. Both her and my eyes immediatel

o be getting just so muc

eyes looking at me questioningly.

know why Andre is doing what he is doing.

too emotio

anned skin, that lightly brushes against my hand. Very tiny, almost negligible, tingles run up my skin. My stupid body can't even understand just h

scorching hot. I don't even know why I am comp

tly, before looking up into a pair of scorching blue eyes, which right

beat, but not i


ion C

o you thi


is wrong with Melinda

ng (about my book



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