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He Is..... NOT Him

Chapter 2 He Is.... Your Boss

Word Count: 872    |    Released on: 21/03/2022

woman now, a 28th years old woman! You can't take your childish feeling to get in the way of the job y

ason of going to the toilet because of your sudden stomacheache. Jae

ee welcome you and ask if you are okay, and you smile. She knocks on CEO do

the man you were escaped from. You feel panicked and he seem to sense that. You didn't want to destroy your ch

nor and kinda feel curious with tha

ven though as professional as he is, is it necessar

ou don't have a choice bu

ecking y

after reading your profile. You answer him, still trying to b

t that fact spark any memory about you even in the case he forget y

quest to have an assistant because she feel that she is not able to handle everything just by her own. He moc

truct you then continue his job readi

can't believe what he just heard but

retend that you don't know me?" you fi

hamelessly gotten rejected by you, I still can't pre

me?" It puzzle

u for these 10 years even after you reject me. Why should I even feel this heart broken again when you

sed. You gasped. Realizi

our shout can erase the fact that you mouthing

where we ever met or how I reject you. But I really

ushed you into pieces!" It silence him at once. He try to comp

t makes you think hardly. What is he saying about. Is Ryu Min

e has a twin!"

fully. In comparasion he is indeed has a different vibe from Ryu Min. He is serious and cold, while Ryu Min is per

dryly, grasping

..who are you?"

f. Now you are staring on the table's name. It is clearly writ

eet you" you try to smile.... Hardly..

moments. "I'm not sure I feel the same though" he "s

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