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Do I DeservE To Be LoveD ??

Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1200    |    Released on: 21/03/2022

a p

mory strike in my mind.. Tears welled up in my eyes as I remembered the events of last night.. I looked for him around the house with the aid of my eyes.. Did he leave me naked in the bed and gone to work ??.. I get out of

my eyes again when I saw the food I cooked for him last night.. Foods are not spoiled yet as I cooked everything last night.. I ate the food which I cooked last night.. After washing the plate, I went to the bed to sleep somemore time as I don't have any

slept upto the night.. I opened the door and saw him who was standing with a carrier bag in his hand.. All the events from last night came before my eye

cket.. He fitted the bulb in hall, kitchen, bathroom and infront of the house.. After turning on the lights, he went to bathroom to take a sh

not going to eat it no matter what I cook.. With these tho


ear me with the food parcel in his hand.. I get up and sit on the bed and looke

ty stomach.. So have your dinner fi

and placed the food parcel on th

held my hand and pulled me towar

.. Please forgive me leka.. Please don't hate me.. If you are angr

hout saying anything but suddenly he held my face

.. Please f

went to the bathroom.. Everyone look my scald cheek with disgust but he kissed it with

h my hand.. After washing my hands, I came back to hall and saw him who is laying on the bed.. After I tu

ou are wearin

wore yesterday.. Why don't you lik

moved first two buttons of his shirt which I was wearing and he loosened

ill buy new d

his hand which is tried to remove other butt

you get p

and looked at him s

you like babi

d and kissed my fo

t us to have

hest and told

e birth to child a

laced my face on h

amily.. I only saw your parents at our wed

h me with your shaky hand.. I feel uncomforta

ve away from his grip.. He looked at me with a smile as if he had not hurt me with hi

college and my other two sisters not completed their schooling yet.. I'm working hardly to give them good life.. I have never bought anything for me yet..I will send my whole

.He pecked my l

nd our babies happily after

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