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Our Christmas Tale

Chapter 2 The tale begins

Word Count: 921    |    Released on: 15/11/2022

was a Pastor was transferred to o

s of her dad's transfer came. They all had to fo

out it, and when Sunday cam

reflection in the mirror, adjusting her dr

istook him for someone else and was eagerly waiting for the di

fway through the service. She discovered a whi

fter an evening service. He had approached her elder siste

ar voice greeted from behind. "I heard

ified when she saw it was the same person she had so wan

ter pausing for a while to speak with someone else, Eunice and th

go but immediately turned back like he ha

f me. I'm Joy. Wha

" Joy's sister in

Joy who was dumbstruck because

silence, Eunice

me's yo

, totally at a los

also Joy " Eu

es." he remarked. "Means I won't be answ

mean by that?

me, but many people

efore he bade them goodbye and

parents. Joy watched as Ayo moved with his friends and saw him do the unthink

to trek to the front of the street and wait for them. As they started wa

upid." Joy commented,

person. Oh what stupid things we'd do when we ge

day because they were yet to m

ittle boxes that would make it easier for them to move. All the while,

onstantly catch a glimpse of Ayo. She woke up early, did everything in a hurry, all the wh

ed the car and headed for church. There was a heavy traffic which further dela

ce and her sister, Joy, sat at the back of the

that twice, she noticed he never stopped staring. Following his trail of sight, she noticed he had never been looking her way the whole time but besides her. A small sigh escaped her lips. She was relieved and at th

ing a thorn in my flesh soon e

by the teacher, he raised an unfamiliar song which w

rmoniously the entire class suddenly went totally

were receiving, bowed her head and shut h

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