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His little Mate

His little Mate

Author: peaceebu7

Chapter 1 Moonlight

Word Count: 3046    |    Released on: 04/04/2022


ang. Groaning, I rolled onto

king up early

thought of it. It hasn't been a long time since I've last seen him. We see each other oft

and werewolves live in the supernatural world; Of course, each has his own kingd

s. My parents are King Crest and Queen Penel

the blood shed that had occurred over the ages. But my mother, t

natural world. Queen Penelope did so by slaying the King of Demons, my grandfather. On that day, a war broke out

his right. Later, my parents got married which in turn merged th

t covered the ground and roses lied on both sides of it. Banners and decorations were all over the c

els were also pink, just a little bit of a faint pink. Last night, I spent a ful

some guy. We keep on bickering like siblings, he ruffles my hair and I hit his arm. With time, I

, he had to accompany his father regularly t

voice brought me

h both seriousness and humor. From the beginning, my mom knew of my crush. She could see the way Ja

ch alike. Silky black h

eed to do yo

n I call my sister ran into the room. She still ha

ter, is the youngest of the three of us. She's twelve years old and the most hyper child I've ever

on her hips, her doe eyes frowning at me. I r

" I replied putting on a he

ered by a come in from my mom. The hair an

wait to see their friends. Yes, the kings and queens are their friends. Long story s

spit image of my dad. Black hair and wide silver eyes. He has much of his personality to

ut wish that someday Jake and I would be in their place. It's hard, especially with him being a

the time to cry! I scolded myself. I don't like

s opened and the l

don't know what's happening to me. It's

and his wife Claudia were the first to get out. They are the royals of the Vampire kingdom and no; they

gdom. The moment they came out a grin spread on Uncle Greg face. I cal

d gaze adv

t. What a shame Lola." He tsked making m

beautiful lady." He winked. Dad a

and." My dad's smile

I know." Uncle Greg interf

g and hugs, I noticed

n. But ever since he met his mate, queen Lucy, he changed one eighty degrees. His bright green eyes sparkled as his

When I get nervous, I usually start talking silly and end up emba

ck tux he wore. I didn't realize I was staring until someone next to me coughed. From

filled with warmth, were looking down at me with some kind of love. Wait, love? He fla

tare princess?" He teased, his deep mas

a. He said nothing but I could se

nd their guests sat in the grand salon of the castle. I sat there doing nothing, neither I nor

on the bench

locked together as I stared

prettier and prettier." I froze

he did next surprised the hell out of me. His put his hand on mine and smiled. What is he doing? I got excited b

that he had something to say. As if he w

he right words. His expression changed from a soft to a sa

er. You need anything?

e nodded and turned around. I watched him

ling on a plain white shirt and denim jeans, I walked down the castle's hallways to reach the garden. The guards a

ryone was there except for one person. Is he not coming? I mentally smacked myself. I

d with a silk white sheet and had red roses put in small vases on top of i

" I enthusiast

to keep a straight composure and a serious face. But when he's with us, h

seen Jade?" Queen Lu

rd, Aunt Beatrice, my m

couldn't keep her mouth shut and spilled everything to Au

day he wore more casual clothes, just like the rest of us. I tried my best to keep

" And he took a

n kept talking about pack business and rogues hoping to find a solution soon. He didn't want the

elf and went

downtown. Maybe I'll get distrac

vorite boutique, I tried on a velvet lace dress. Definitely buying it. It hugged my figure perfectly revealing my long hid


ed in mesmerizing mosaic stones. Every building was a demonstrate of a different art concept. A specific one cau

ed in mesmerizing mosaic stones. Every building was a demonstrate of a different art concept. A specific one cau

dn't fell right., I turned around to know expecting someone behind me. Instead, no one was there. I

nd missed calls. All of a sudden, my phone rang. I lo

question. I heard him b

He growled. Anger was evident

as met by silence. I knew he wa

ere, now." With that

tting the phone back where it was, I walked heading towards the ca

art attack. I looked into my father's eyes, they were gleaming with relief. He warned me not go alone agai

a dungeon young lady." Uncle Jayden joked. He

hall, his eyes flaring. Uncle Greg looked at me with

wo alone." He walked past Ja

vily sighing, he ushered me to follow

o brighten the mood but noticing Jade's dark expression, I tho

calmness of his voice surprised me.

d warriors to look after you for god's sake!" He ran a h

n his arm, I off

wanted to go out alone, without guards. You kno

wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. I stood frozen for a second but instantly rel

e a vibrant green. He smiled down

at." He raised an eyebrow d

ise." I

, changing the mood. Narrowing my eyes at him, I puffed in disagree. He let out

I followed. I couldn't help but admire his figure. Wide leaf gree

est man alive. Around six foot one, broad shoulders and a strong

m this way Lola! I scolded

bed, I felt m

p?' He

hy haven't

lot on my mind." H

te or two passed before

s widened. Could it be? I quickly dismissed the idea.

to talk about it. I bit my lip as I sent a goodnight text back and put the p

ed out taking the p

ared at the written blac

ou, soon' was wri

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