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His little Mate

Chapter 2 Jake

Word Count: 2668    |    Released on: 05/04/2022


not wanting to worry any of them. Maybe it's just a prank, I tried to convin

ere were bags under my now tinted red eyes and m

o the opening field, I noticed two wolves standing in the amidst of it. The left wolf was of a

ught. The brown wolf was strong, very strong. He was gaining the upper hand in the fight. The col

e wasn't wearing anything except a pair of pants hanging on his waist. Once I sn

aid raising an eyebrow. I

en here love?" Love,

t it only came out as a

ied crossing my arms. From the corner of

ght was some kind of training werewolves do. The man looked in his late twenties with jet black hai

s Lola." Jake

s. Lola, this is Jaxon. He's our beta an

heart and scoffed, pre

rds dripped with sarcasm. He put a hand on his heart an

ward, a smile lin

" He took my hand and kissed th

to Jake, a smile tugging the hem of his lips. I looked at

e do they say

at one might drown in. Your hair as si

e in disbelief. I stared at Jake, a laugh escaping

ragging me away from Jaxon. I was grinning like a freak. Who

uldn't get the writing out of my mind.

ity and stick even more guards wherever I go. But I need to tell

o talk to you.' I typed

y.' He te

, I heard a knock and

his face. I remained silent. He furrowed his

Jake doesn't like it when I hid things from him. By looking into my eyes, h

stiffened, eyes turning into a darker shade of green. His knuckles turned white and I knew he wa

n be some sort of joke."

Someone is after you and this," He held the paper up "is a

ng my mouth to protest, I quickly shu

snapped and dragged me out

doubled security, assigning even more guards than before. Everyone

replayed our conversation earlier spotting the significant c

you go and no buts young lady." My father's voi

ards won't be able to protect her if something happens."

on him and I saw my

ng Brandon who intervened. He

sponded sitting cas

I'm definite that my daughter is in safe hands." F

he room. I should have never told Jake. It was suppose

unch him but on the other, I wanted to jump right into his arms. The good thing is that

I mentally rolled my eyes. H

?" I stopped in my tracks a

Lola." The way he said my name made me shiver. He

eath. He stood in front of me, barely any space between us anymore

t. Something flickered in his eyes

this." I straightened myself, daring him. He leaned

that, he disappeared into the castle's hallways, l

royal ass. At first, I thought him becoming my so called 'guardi

dened. I was already thirty minutes late. Well I wanted to get on Jake's nerves and let him wait but not this long. I w

m right."

yes. He sure doesn't like to wait. Trying my best to

rners of his lips twitched. He

jeans and a plain V neck white shirt. Whi

s waited enough already."

to the arena. Having to spend hours in attempt to control your element drains all energy. The only element I can control

control it, it can burn you; literally. I've had a couple of incidents t

here." My trainer's voice,

ateness. Like always, his hair was gelled and neat. Rolling my eyes at his snarky comment, I shot him a shut up glare. Not only is Mark my trainer, but he also is my one of my closest friends.

the same age as Jake

h the glorious Mark now would I?" I t

r place." He grinned flexing his biceps. Before I could respond,

hreatening. He clenched and unclenched his fists, knuckles turni

ying my best to hide th

trainer and best friend

essed on the 'prince' to warn him not to misbehave an

shoulder. Immediately, I elbowed him and got out of him

Mark as his features turned more serious. He p

eart as a gesture of respect and loyalty whenever they cross paths with a royal. Mark

ttention. He was staring at me,

yzing Jame's features. Trying my best to avoid Jake's death glare, I hurr

nd a half and my energy was drained. Opening the palm of my hand, I took a d

oo far, his eyes follo

ge the flames and wasted no time attacking back. The ground erupted in flames as h

my direction. I managed to avoid most of them but one hit my left arm. Wi

vanished. When I first started training, Mark and I agr

as for he was next to me in a matter of

ghed. It will need a

t that treated

ound fine but failed miserably. I noticed Mark standing right

ed to place a cool compress on i

tten used to burns but I don't want to go over the pain process again. I

rl." He grinned trying to lighte

ck your ass." He snorted looking at me from

t us with clear amusement. Maybe he'll stop feeling jealo

s is Jake we'r

s of it, he was mind linking someone. The familiar dark green eyes

go." He s

his head and ran a hand

d trying to assure me sensing my uneasiness. Jake and Mark exchanged glances

isappeared in

k care of my arm. The moment he placed

lover boy?" I looked

warned making

of talking to

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