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Trials of Heart

Chapter 5 Trial 5

Word Count: 1536    |    Released on: 04/04/2022

nd. She's genuine and it hasn't changed since we met. I didn't understand why until now she had no boyfriend and always accompanied me at all times. I didn't want her to feel I was a hindrance

ony was that Louisa was the one who encouraged me to flirt with other women. She is always willing to assist me with dating issues and had no idea that while she was pushing me toward others, I was falling for her and had cont

didn't want the situation to worsen, especially since she was the only person

, " She said in amusement as sh

like this. So, Where are we?" I leaned on

ant? Market?" She said uncertain

elt my eyes were going to fall asleep at

y don't we go to the bar? Just nearby.

ght. Aren't you tired? She

in drowsiness. I felt tired but since Louisa is looking happy, I tried my b

e uttered, look

let's hang out somewhere outside?" The good thing was that my

r snacks, okay?" She exclaimed in amusement and turned i

t the time would not be wasted lest we catch up at midnight. I was supposed to buy some alcoholic drinks but I ended up buying a can

tiredness all day. When I woke up, the view of the sea on the road showed up to me. The surroundings are also brighter because of the moon so my spirit is even more awake."How is it? Much prettier than bars? " Louisa stopped

silently watched the strong waves. She just smiled a little and took another picture. "Smile!" She suddenly turned the cellphone in my direction so I tried to sign peace on the camera. I took my cell phone out of my pocket and took a picture of her as she did. "Smile!" She did a wacky pose. I laughed because her eyes were close to the picture. After all, She was dazzled by the camera flash. "Uh, Delete my pictu

e I didn't want her to think that I was different from her. I also did not take her to the mansion but to my friend's house. I was used to lying so she was surprised when we went straight to the mansion on my mother's birthday. I felt sorry for her for the dishonesty. I remembered when I got transferred to Vinland University because Xymon and I were on different paths. My dad decided to depart us so we could learn how to stand by ourselves without the help of each other. That's where I met Louisa because we

big deal." I tried to stop myself from laughing but I c

she didn't speak for a few minutes and

I distracted her as she looked at me, raising her eye

out of embarrassment. I don't know why that first

about to cry. I switched my reaction to a serious m

that?" I seriously looked straight at the roaring sea. I didn't spea

d back but I didn't answer her instantly. I

ting you. I'm not gay though." I chuckled

kwardly walked towards the car and I left behind. I smiled bitte

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