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The Road to Providence


Word Count: 4893    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

was looking disconsolately down the Road. "June's gone to acting like a woman with nerves that cries just because she can. I'm glad all the chicken babies are feathered out and

him with chicken-fixings three times a day he'l

else," murmured Miss Wingate as she bur

ds hisself by looking at me and you at the table, I reckon I'll have to let him have two chickens a day to keep up his strength. Honey-fuzzle are a mighty satisfying diet, tho

doubtful tone of voice, for the Doctor's p

to go out into the big world to get a real managing wife for Tom Mayberry and I might just as well have set cross-handed and waited for Susie Pike or little Bettie to grow up to the spoiling of him. I thought seeing that you'd been raised with a

ducking her head behind Martin Luther again,

g a single new-fashioned husband remedy on him, with so many receipts for managing 'em being written down by ladies all ov

ingate sturdily. "I want him

riage ain't no slow, plow-team business these days; it's hitched at opposite ends and pulling both ways for dear

aughed the infatuate

he-front-gate-waiting kind of wives. I thought I'd caught a high-faluting bird of Paradise for him and you ain't a thing in the world but a meadow dove. But there comes Bettie scooting

money in everybody's pocket. I just stopped in to show you this pink flowe

claimed Mother Mayberry. "I

tried it," said the proud des

gh any kinder worry suds and it'll come out with the color left. Any news along t

py spell on her and have been exorting of him. She called all three of them boys in, Bud and Henny and 'Lias, and made 'em learn a Bible verse a-piece, and I

ith one another. It downright grieves me to have 'em so spited here in they old age." And Mother Mayberry's eyes took on a regretful look and she peered over her glasses at t

very Providence trouble landed right on your shoulders as soon as one comes. You don't

quench your own thirst, Bettie child, and I'm glad if it are gave to me to labe

so I guess they is all right. I must hurry on now, for I see Miss Prissy at the window looking for me. Ain't my baby a-g

d," answered Mother Mayberry with a smile. "Do you pass on the word t

'em in my travels," called back the bride from the door,

wagon," laughed Mother Mayberry at the singer lady by the window. "Now I'm a-going to swim out to gather eggs and I'll be back if I don't

downpour had begun in the night and held on into the day and seemed to increase in volume as the hours wore away. The tall maples were standing depressed-boughed and dripping and the poplar leaves hung sod

his cheek to the window-pane and looked without interest at a for

ger lady, as she gave him a comforting hug and essay

ease," he sobbed a disconsolate demand for

ke front door there had issued a small figure, also enveloped in an old shawl, which made its way across the puddles with splashing, bare feet. She had her co

all boy as driver to Mother Mayberry's large rocking-chair, mounted him on the foot of the

ou got Doctor Tom; and it were fair to the other lady, too. He couldn't help loving you best, 'cause you are got a sic

er her cheeks, "but I don't believe she'll need Mr. Mosbey. Don't you suppos

our throat didn't get well, but Mis' Peavey says that you never in the world woulder tooken Doctor Tom if you coulder gone away and made money singing to p

her side. "And let me whisper something to you, Eliza-I never-would-have-

eat nothing and she can't talk to me to-day. Maw and Mis' Nath Mosbey are there now and waiting for Doctor Tom to come back. They said not to tell Mother Mayberry until the rain held up

elps," answered the singer lady q

o," answered El

but then I'm a-going to run. Why, there goes Mother Mayberry outen the gate under a umbrella! And Aunt Prissy asked me to get a spool of number fifty thread from her to sew some lace on a petticoat Mis'

at this rather original idea of providing a groom with a t

r Tom, so you can wash one while he wears the other and keep one put away for Sunday. That is the way Maw does for Paw and all the other folks on the Road does the same for they men. Mis' Peavey can show you how to iron them nice, for she does th

t was to be her individual responsibility among Providence men along the Road. The certainty that she would never be allowed to perform such offices at machine and tub actually depressed her, for the thought had brought a pr

and he have been to see Mis' Bostick. I can get the dinner and run on to meet him and hear how he thinks

lithe figure enveloped as to head and shoulders in one of Cindy's kitchen aprons

divested herself of the gingham garment, "and I was dying t

of his rain coat and coming over to stand beside her

she answered, as she looked up i

r fingers into his and drawing her farth

for you' in proper Providence style and I'm very humble and-I-I want to learn. She thinks I o

y blushing at the thought of the very love

em," answered Miss Wingate mournfully, "and I

em suitable for traveling, for I've got marching orders in the noon mail

e singer lady with

tinue them, while I go on to Southern Italy for a study of similar conditions there and then on to India for a still more exhaustive examination. The Government is

ly. "I'm too busy here now. I don't ever intend to leave Mother as lon

s like going to sleep at night with a last look at Providence Nob,-you wake up in the morning and find it more there than ever. She was THERE on sunny mornings over in Berlin and THERE

of Providence Road. I don't know that I want to go traveling with a distinguished physician on an important Government mission and attend L

t at a small section of blush left visible against th

of them foolish Indiany chickens are stretched out kicking most drowned in a puddle right by the barn door, and there you both stand doing nothing for it. Tom Mayberry

e, in an agony of regret. "The dear little t

And the Doctor hastened to pick up the little gasping bunch of drenched feathers, which Mrs. Peavey tucked in the corner of her shawl "Did you all hear that a car busted into another one down in the

er lady in the subdued voice she always used in a

t all straight and maybe see some folks mended," answered Mrs. Peavey, and she failed to notice Miss Wingate's horrified expression at suc

se at his neighbor's outspoken question. "Her heart is very weak and it is impossible to stimulate he

ou all had better go on in the house now and put Miss Elinory's wet feet in the stove, for they won't be no use in her dying on Mis' Mayberry's hands w

Wingate away to be dry shod. "I dreamed that I was singing to Mrs. Bostick and the Deacon, REALLY singing, and just as it rose clear and strong Mrs. Peavey called to me to 'shut up' and it stopped so sudden

o get it back for you. I will hope against hope! I haven't written Doctor Stein yet. I can't make myself write. Perhaps we w

as she laid her cheek against their clasped hands. "Would you want L'ELEONORE more

or with a spark in his gray eyes that scorned her question, and without any discussion h

y's shoulder, who sat with her head bowed in her apron sobbing quietly, while Martin

ll over up at the Deacon's. It were very beautiful, for Mis' Bostick just give us a smile and went to meet her Lord with the love of us all a-shining on her face. We didn't hardl

er hand in his, while the singer lady crept

even send for you, but go on up there now and see what you can do for

s Wingate with a sob, "it'

st shed her baby tears like a woman growed to sorrow. Her little bucket and dish of dinner is a-setting cold on the table and a little draggled rose she had brung in not a hour back is still in Mis' Bostick's fingers, and the other one pinned on the Deacon's coat. When Judy and Betty wanted to begin to fix things she understood without a word, led the Deacon out into the hall and are ju

th ain't nothing but laying down one job of work and going to answer the Master when He calls you to come take up another. Mis' Bostick have worked in His vineyard early and late, throu

irl through her tears. "It seems to supply a reason for

r they won't be no more sickness or death or sorrowing for us doctors to tend on. But Pa Lovell and Doctor Mayberry have found something by this time and maybe it will be for me and Tom to work at it alongside of 'em. It mi

other Mayberry's face. "When I was so desperate and didn't know what to do, before I came and found out that there was a place for me in

acts to pack up and take into the judgment seat to prove my character by and then be honored with some kind of telling labor to do. I'm looking for something white to put at Mis'

nything for anybody or the Deacon l

leaves you to feed the two boys, Tom and Martin Luther, for dinner. And don't you never forget that you are the apple-core of your Mother Mayberr

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