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Our Type Of Love

Our Type Of Love


Chapter 1 O.

Word Count: 1212    |    Released on: 07/04/2022

m the mirror in her room in disgust. She didn't want to see her reflection, knowing that she'd taken her obsession to be perfect too far. She had been proud of losing weight at the beginning

on, she found herself sliding back into her old habit, eating little, working it off, wearing huge sweaters to av

ng how pale her face looked, her ha

ds the door pushing it open, her Mom stood at the other end looking nerv

ement, she was not sure what her mom wanted, it always involve

he complimented, looking her over. "

ndle. "I'm not hungry, and I'm already l

hould I just pack it up for you in a lunch box" Her voice came out

rstanding and didn't try to push her too hard, but it was hard to watch her worry just because she couldn't eat right. If her mother knew the real reason she'd started

time to eat ok. You can also share it with your friend scarle

iled at her, her red hair gleaming in the dark interior of the car. She pulled out of their driveway,

ep breath wondering how Scarlet even got her driver's license with the way she lost co

but Scarlet just grinned. Arielle paid more attentio

She asked, incr

ing her voice sound detached with boredo

t pointed out, as she took notice of the fro

fed up about life today, I'

right, everything is so shitty today, typical Mondays. It just drains you,

at the intended meaning of her words. "Don't joke with me l

en he told me he didn't want me anymore, but you know me, he can go screw himself. I won't start acting bat shit crazy over some dude who doesn't love

carlet sniffed, trying to clean her tea

it like it was freaking nothing, I hope he chokes on his salad wherever he is". Her voice was bitter, her temper rising, Arielle noticed warily, kno



that I got her to stop crying, considering how awkward I was. It was hard to feel for other people when they didn't care all that much fo

up with Scarlet, they had been almost inseparable and now, everything had changed in just a matter of days. Was lov

male chest before bouncing off it. His hands shot up to grab my arm, ho

wed, his nostril-flaring a little as he stewed, he licked his plump red lips making me swallow, the place he held me burned. I perspired, not caring that he

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