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Unrequited Lawyer

Unrequited Lawyer

Author: Ayesha09

Chapter 1 Hello Mumbai

Word Count: 943    |    Released on: 07/04/2022

uty, vulnerability expresses humility, inner

as now to call home. All of her 5’6 inches in her jeans and a Mickey Mouse T shirt holding on to her Tumi backpack for life, Ayesha though brimmi

ase.” Quickly getting into the taxi she looked at her cabbie as he stared back at her and then yelled back, “Behenji, with that voice of yours, forget getti

e window and smiled to herself as the wind blew across her face smelling of smoke

an agent online. As discussed, the agent was waiting to take her in. As they walked up the stairs into her apartment sh

all home. Noticing the mildewed walls and the dirty floors she looked at the agent in despair only for

nd signed the agreement. As soon as the agent left she dragged her luggage into the room, opened the windo

orrow and feeling homesick for the pa

other nervous cab ride later she stood before an enormous building which yelled business and class and as people marched into the building she realised she better go in too unless she be late on her very firs

ted introducing herself to her colleagues and shared her enthusiasm about work. The colleagues were of all ages and Ayesha was excited about the fact that some of

her first milestone had thereby been achieved. Being her bubbly, social yet shy and her hardworking self she soon earned the trust and

ed with her work that she had no idea that the new team would be joining them in an hour and as she sat head bent totally buried in her work she heard a loud announcement and clapping. With a start she got up and looked towards the front of the office where she saw 3 new faces. Let me rephrase that, she saw 2 new face

es, the staff had arranged the area around her for the new joinees and to her much d

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