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The Tavern Knight


Word Count: 2052    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

ogan's advent. In the streets the sounds had gradually died down, and peace seemed to reign again in Penrith. Ye

rows late, and I doubt me you wo

oment he paused,

pin-" he began. But

nd. Give you good night. Take one of t

the candle-bearing bottles and passed o

red in him. Master Stewart might be a milksop, but Crispin accounted him leastways honest, and had a kindness for him in spite of all. He crossed to the window, and

ver many a theme, his eyes were alert for the least movement among the shadows of the street. Re

hman seated in dejection u

an ruefully, "I was never ne

answer, and besought of him

or her what her bold eyes had done for me. We were becoming the sweetest friends, when, like an incarnate fiend, that loutish clown, her lover, sweeps down upon us, and, with more jealousy than wit, struck me-struck me, Harry Hogan! Soul of my body, think of it, Cris!" And he grew red with ange

" was Crispin'

s palms, "but what choice had I? The fool came

to slay

ht his sword-arm; but the light was bad, a

ng, then his brow cleared, as tho

he's dead, there

smissed the subject of the great wrong that through folly he had wrought-the wanton destruct

pin. Then, turning and looking into the Irishman's great, g

ope. I know more of the great art of war than all the King's generals rolled into one. Think you, then, I can rest content with a miserable company of horse when plunder is forbidden, and even our beggarly pay doubtful? Whilst, should things go ill-as well they may, faith, with an army ruled by parsons-the wage will be a swift death on field or gallows, or a

and orderly as a parcel of acolytes in a Corpus-Christi procession. 'Twas not so bad in Scotland haply because the country holds naught a man

. He will not allow that we are marching through an enemy's country; he insis

rse, a wench, or any other trifle of the enemy's, without ever a word of censure or a question asked. Why, man, it is but two days since His Majesty had a poor devil hanged at Kendal for laying violen

your plans be?

rmy is like to yield me no profit, faith, I'll turn me to the Parliament's. If I get out of Penrith with my life, I'll shave my beard and

Noting this, and imagining th

keenly glancing at the other,

replied Cris

ed Hogan, "need

in which this rough soldier of fortune held one whom he accounted


on Cromwell's si

n twenty years have been in usurping hands. The profit I look for, Hogan, is my restoration to Castle Marleigh, and of this my only hope lies in the restoration of King Charles. If the King doth not pr

t the futility of his endeavours, he sighed and moved uneasily in his chair, whilst the broad, tanned

urns from Castle Marleigh and to aid me in my g

ept into the voice of this hardened pike-trader a note of soft conce

o me?" ech

me. That whelp of Montgo

f straw to be overset b

lieutenant, K

ce, lest he set a noose about his own neck. Come, Harry," he added, briskly, c

ose wit

grace tomorrow shall find me in Cromwell's

an these-a coat more staid and better att

ve you su

godly black, from a habit taken in

m twice

ur back than a tight rope

ter with the coat that Kenneth had worn that day, and w

of Kenneth's garment; a handkerchief and a few papers he found in them, and these he tos

amping his limbs. "May He forgive me, and see me safely out of Penrith and into Cromwell's camp, a

her from your ha

yed him w

his time plays many parts. Who would have th

yed him. "There, man, you'll do well enough. Your coat is somewhat tight in the back, somewhat short in the skirt; b

nd in no measured terms-he pronounced himself ready to set out, whereupon Crisp

field beyond, he bade Hogan mount. He held his stirrup for him, and cutting short the Irishman's voluble expressions of gratitude, he gave

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