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Chapter 6 Sixth Chapter

Word Count: 1136    |    Released on: 20/04/2022

ou are quite tough despite the fact that you have been described as a weak crippled man! I have to admit, you managed to surprise me, but you will need more than that to beat me, kid!" shout

nd kicked his stomach when he was about to fall. Norin slid back and kneeled down and puked, but the man was not satisfied yet, put his feet

ead was bleeding quite rapidly, so he wiped it and spread the blood onto his head. "Notice! You are injured!" a new message popped up for Norin and vanished soon. Norin's shaking stopped but started restlessly smiling after he realised that the other two men had started running toward him. The two opponents came at him from two sides, so Norin used his left hand to try and block the metal baseball bat and his right hand to block the

with all of his might. Norin instantly vomited blood, but the man continued, hitting his chest again and again. "Warning! You are seriously injured!" appeared another message, but it faded before Norin could have re

ose freaks!" shouted the man holding the weapon, and after stating his opinion, he let go of the bat. Norin stood up quickly, but his two enemies instantly attacked him, but he evaded both of the attacks, broke the knee of the smoking man with the bat, and kicked him so ha

ying and hit the car so hard that it slightly moved forward, made a dent on its back part and cracked the glass as well. Noir grabbed the knife and pulled it out, and slowly walked over to the last conscious man; he tried to stand up, but before he could have stood up properly, Norin g

wollen. Norin sat next to her and removed the duct tape but didn't undo the binding on her limbs; instead asked, "What should we do now..." but the girl interrupted him, "Just who are you? You could defeat the three of them alone; they were not your everyday Joes; also, can't you undo these ropes already?", Norin waited for a little and looked at the girl. "Sorry, I know you are also a victim here, but I can't trust anyone, especially since I live here; you could

led up!", "Notice! New

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