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Chapter 9 Ninth Chapter

Word Count: 1207    |    Released on: 23/04/2022

ed that a maid was standing next to him and looking at him, and when he looked at her, she spoke up, "Good morning, young man! " He instantly sat

reaction; he was so shocked at what had happened so far that no word could leave his lips. He looked at the clothes he was given and decided to get changed. He got a light blue shirt, a dark blue suit, these had the same emblem on their right side and black trousers. Next to the wall, there was a pair of black shiners. Norin gave a deep sigh

could have finished his idea " Level: 2 0%; Points: 1; Strength: 7+1; Endurance 5; Perception: 4+1; Agility: 2; Intelligence: 14; Virus C: 2+3; Skills: Virus 0; Last Man Standing 1; System(inactive) " Then Norin closed the interface for the second time and decided to get change. "I think I should wait before I spend every point mindlessly... some information about these skills or what these a

ng his buttons on the suit. "Well, erm..." stuttered Anne, but she was interrupted once again by Norin " I presume you have already investigated my background judging by the fact taht you have your own maid or maids, and having a custom made clothes at your disposal..." When Norin finished speaking, he was already right in front of Anne and was looking directly into her eyes. He was much taller than her; the top of her head barely reached Norin's shoulders. She put her hands behind her back and stepped back, and added, "Please follow me; as I have said, my father wants to have a word with you." Norin walked over to the wall next to Anne and knitted his eyebrows while touching the wall. "Also, it would be good if you didn't think I was an idiot," Norin added while pulling his hand back, then suddenly punched the wall. The wall started flickering, and soon the walls turned white, and everything vanished except for the bed and everything on it. "Most impressive young man!" Sai

personal training bot... and you want me to punch him as hard as I can?" asked Norin, and both the butler and Mr Bros nodded. "Alright, here goes." Said Norin and unleashed a devastating punch. He hit the chest of the butler with all his might, launching him slightly up

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