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Warm Bodies, Cold Iron

Warm Bodies, Cold Iron


Chapter 1Ā A Knight in Shining Armor, A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Word Count: 1161 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 05/05/2022


. He was always smiling and kind, ready with a joke or a good word wh

heir achievements right out from under their noses, but she shook them off with a laugh. She would never be taken advantage of like that. She was t

ore, and never looked back as he left. She flew between worried and sad staring at her blank m

d, the plastic glinting like treasure in the flash of the camera. Her phone dinged with message after message, her friends all replying back to her, but she

e sweetie," when she talked about her latest find. But Mr. Walsh? Blue eyes and 6 feet tall, with iron gray hair, an Irish king who

blush. She looked fine, she thought, as she looked in the mirror. Very put together. Very professiona

round her waist, keeping her from falling to the floor. She looked up in

's okay." He tightened his arms around her as she sobbed into his chest. He w

was a streak of red on his white shirt, tracing an outline around one of his well-defined pecs. He shrugg

again as her voice broke. She hated feeling this vulnerable, but it was okay in front of him. As she got to the social media post, he gestured again, and pulled her in for one more tight and warm embrace. She whispered the sto

er skin, the lilting edge of an Irish accent, and he cared about her. He was a k

normally wouldn't be out of place in the airbrushed photos of a fashion magazine, On him, they looked natural, lik

s just because I've had my heart broken and my work stolen. It's

ce turned into a growl, deep from his po

ator, and it sent a shiver down her spine. A warm feeling se

, she knew Mr. Walsh was a storming sea, and she knew he would drown someone for h

ve him th

olour of his eyes, and jotted it down. Kelly was surprised by that. He seemed like the typ

still wild. "In my line of work, important thing

ped his pad closed, and kissed her on the cheek. "Justice will be done, my

in her throat looseni

easy natural smile

never heard him sound like that before. A flash in her mind, of surging muscles and entwined bodies and sweat, her voice

t about any specific person. She pushed that down again, deep inside

a smaller voice i

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