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Warm Bodies, Cold Iron

Chapter 2Ā Consequences and Connections

Word Count: 1238 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 05/05/2022

OUND DEAD IN IRISH FEN. Kelly bolted up out of her bed, sending her blanket

ing hands with the professor, and dropped her phone on her mattress. With a cracking noise, like breaking a stick, it bounced once, and fell of

this to happen

ur Paper.' Her heart fell into her stomach. Was she being connected to all this? But she had nothing to do w

e email before she could change her mind.

s Kelly M

a trusted colleague, and I believe that it is remarkable, and potentially field changing, especially for a Master's candidate. I would like to offer you a


A. Stephens, Hea

ts, scanning the names. She scrolled to her friends, her father, and hovered over their names. Her friends would find out later. They would be happy for her, but they wouldn't understand how much of a big deal this w

his name, Mr.

id he cause this? It was a darker thought in her head, but still there. Sh

how could he have done anything in this short amount of time? Just thinking about the way he acted with her

rmed a bit as the heat she felt that night stuck in her head, transforming their interaction into something a bit more. Was she being foolish? He did seem genuinely angry about

an said, in his lilting v

lt her face heat up. How could

other end of the line. "Take your time Kelly, it's fine

rush, "Rian, my paper-Professor Stephens read my pap

ly, what

fter he gets back to Ireland!" Ahhh!" Kelly practically squealed into

d this. I am so glad all of your heard work had paid off. We have to g

about it she might've said no, that hesitation still there, but she didn't want to give he

" Kelly glanced at her clock. Seven thirty was two hours away. Plent

ing laugh, and Kelly felt that stra

hen, Kelly

ead. Kelly flung open her cl

black garment bag. Inside was a red strapless dress, deceptively plain, but with silver flower patterns woven in when the light struck it right. She'd bought it in a moment of self indulgence, when she was feeling overwhelmed by her thesis, even though she had to subsist on rice and ramen for a we

is strong, solid body and his razor-sharp mind, the heat stirred in her stomach, and showed on her face. She would have to keep herself from showing her emotions tonight. She could be just projecting, falling to her own feelings, but she did feel something t


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