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The Window-Gazer

Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 2983    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

nnection with a moss-covered rock. He would have liked to point out this obvious fact but that would have been fussy-and fussy the professor was firmly determined not to be. Aunt Caroline

as a wind. But not here. Here some high rock angle shut it out and left them to the drowsy calm of wakening Summer. Below them lay the blue-green gulf, white-flecked and gently heaving; above them bent a sky which only Italy could rival-and if Miss Farr with her hands clasped round her knees were t

sit a little farther back


to the back

y, "do you real

he professo

nd (a feat which brought Spence's heart into his mouth). "I

somewhat stiff, "that we came up her

uch purpose. But-must we? It

o good. One can't get anywhe

Very well-let's di

ly, "is almost up. I shall h

e had certainly succeeded. "Was-was the arrangeme

nly one month's payment was made in advance. With Friday, Dr. F

slippery the moss was and thought on

e are only just beginning. I wish

nce, "is not a p

ss you, too

ful not to ove

smile. "You are conceited enough already," she said, "but if it will make you feel an

onsider my side of it. After the month that I have spent he

one way of goin

rious ways. Ways which ar

f some other-some q

ck. It is a somewhat startling way and you might-er-manifest emotion

s she climbed down and sat demurely upon stones in the hollow. There was

m to justify that hope. And he wasn't at all sure ... however, he

is simply going all to pot if you can't keep on with it. You can see yourself what it means

n to fade from her ey

with her old bluntness, "it is useless. I have tried that way out. I won't tr

hat Dr. Farr could do,"

Dr. Farr's daugh

t I was thinking of. I knew that you would refuse

re r

pected to manifest emo

uld. Women are utterly unreasoning. You

moved slo

p without help," h

ed. "You can

after that d

re ready. But we do not need t

" he said, "is what comes of


guilefully, "that you didn't real

n wh

ings for ordinary marriage. Of course you

dly explain w

ime because it voiced my own-er-determination also. I said to myself, 'Here are two people sufficiently original to wish to escape the common

in and folded her h

ll li

e filled with amazement that we have so long ignored the obvious. Take our case. Here are we two, strongly of one mind and wanting

n't rus

And all because you cannot

this away with a ge

dom marriage gives. Now what is the logical result of that? The logical result is fear-


me. The other night when you said 'marriage is hideous,'

raised them again instantly.

she said, "I s

other part of the proposition-that you want


certain things which marriage might bring. I want a home. Not too homey a home, in the strictly domestic sense (Aunt Caroline is strictly domestic) but a-a congenial home. I want the advice and help of a clever woman together with t

quiring eye

raid of h

e me married and she has a long life of successful effort behind her. One failure is nothing to an aunt. She is always quite certain that the next venture will turn out well. And it

red Desire soberly. "Ma

as my secretary and free you entirely from the interference of your father. It will permit you to accept freely my protection and everything else which I have. Your way will be open to the


lly, my propo

l these things,

ontinues. I will be a safely married man and you-you will be a window-gazer no longer. There is only one point"-the speaker's gaze turned from her and wandere

u m

" said Spe

care for

ss vanished. "Oh-what a

not want child

re to develop a desir

ed thoug

ropping of a feminine instinct, easily suppressed. I am not at all afrai

nd them unconvincing. There are a few, however, of whom wh

ami would seem real anywhere but here. If anyone were to try to transplant him he might va

e reminded himself, an affair of the heart at all. It was a coldly-thought-out, hard-headed business proposition. Such a

there remains only one concrete difficulty, your father. H

should have t

mind?" somew

as if I cared. I don't. If I should decide that there is an honest chance for freedom, a chanc

ng, and after a m

tion. And all the time he hates me. I see it in his eyes. And once or twice-" She hesitated and then went rapidly on without finishing her sent

Li Ho m

said, 'Honorable boss much lonely-heap scared of devil maybe.' Li

queer devil himself. Woul

It's as if he owned him. There must be a story which explain

had learned to understand the Oriental mind. He said he had learned more than that, he had learned that the Oriental mind is beyond unders

ould need to be to satisfy her demands. For in that core still lay a possibility, the possibility of love. He had not eliminated love. Many a man has loved after thirty-five. Many a girl who has sworn-but no, she would not admit this possibility in her own case. It was only in his case that she would recognize it. She would see the w

rriage of that kind would not satisfy you. You say your outlook is wider than mine and of course it is. But I have seen more than you think. Even men who are tremendously interested in their work, like you, want-other things. They want what they cal

e than ever he swore that it should not be

upposing.... supposing I am not free n

ed the words on his tongue, it brought a convincing dew upon his forehead

t make a difference. I should want to b

s a necessary experience in my case, is over and done with. It cannot recur. I a

king out over the sea. "Yes I can

able to walk now,"

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