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Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1028    |    Released on: 23/04/2022

an hour, just to say hello and keep me co

a junction, Aurora bid him goodb

mother sampling her fruit on the li

in and rest for a while mama, I'll stay here for you till evening," s

oss the street to see a man sharing food to some kids. She sighed and

used to come to areas like this wit

ileged and never had she thought she would one da

he fruits to kids and women who would occa


lace. She walked down the street and crossed the r

ful and newly built. She doesn't want to go spoil her mood

ng staff or they would collect her

out receiving any call from them and when she returns, t

her till she got to Craig's workplace. She pushed open the door

ere was anyone who kept their thing carelessly but it seems ev

led waving at her and she smile

he said smiling widely and pou

Aurora said sarcastically, her eyes still sur

ould start from serving and from there check out t

d Aurora nodded staring at the couple who were

hile she bent over the man whispe

to the table. "Your coffee ma'am," she said and the woman waved at her

business then she swiftly dipped her hand into the lady's bag, collected her wallet, hid it In her

spered glaring at her. "You don't expect me not to, I need to eat and that

't the only option. He had tried to talk her out from it but she would never

an tell, someone might be looking at you wh

t at what I do so don't drag it, sign out and let's g

eing it was already his off time, h

offee shop and headed home. They got to the n

t just pick you. I really don't like the fact that you pickpockets, it an

doesn't look like what was seen in the slums. The decor wa

?" Craig asked a girl who wore

She asked looking in a hurr

," said Craig and the girl simply pointed at

ere and forget about this work thing, I know it woul

, we are already in so let's go over to the counter the girl pointed a

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