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The orphan

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1286    |    Released on: 23/04/2022

hat "i will take care of this baby till m

buy baby milk and some other

d grandma. I really wish she was here with us , we l

I miss my wife" he says with

s how to take good care of this baby and I know she would be happy with you for taki

to pays the bank loan

een thinking of wha

cause of your responsibilities, the

ut tomorrow to search for an

down the street to the youths lea

tings ,

i help you " the small

ts to see the yout

will go and call him for

ll girl enter

ming " said t

you my dear

er later comes t

lp you, mr man " sa

, and i also owed the debts of two hundred and forty six thousand including the

o pay your debts " as

need any types o

bush , gutter, and some meni

nd write your address and numbe

our , odds or white collar " am ready to do any

athsetic, don't worry, i will help you, but , you needs to tak

, i will be coming to

y credentials " ask

ate, but i only able to collects (

w to drive " the y

w to drive sir, but i can l

ck tomorrow?" Aaked

, what time s

matter with some of my people ,any how it goes , iw

ts me to come tom

i have your number with m

that, he should use the money to buy baby milk for t

motola doing , hope she didn't

eating and sleeping then cr

his baby playing w

day, did you secured any j

ope , someone promised to ca

tola What type of jo

the type of the job

g the work tomorrow?

orrow, the man even gave me five thousand to buy milk for

la, so that you can g

t a little ,because i trek

t you cannot go and do any other things o

er, by the way, where

o call him for wor

o and prepare for

ilk and clothes for the baby while the grandma is taking care of the baby ,

d day ma " S

aw , how are you "

s that i bought for t

t position to take care of this little baby, why did you refused to take care of your sister's only child .but you know that my health

tinny baby like this, secondly, i can't combine taken care of baby wit

ly, please don't forget your promises, because wi

es , i made the promises from the

like to tell you , please will you do

e to tell me anyt

ase help me to take the custody

take her custody

take care of her , anytime i

ever perish and your life will never sc

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