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The Naughty Campuser

Chapter 7 Porridge Night

Word Count: 647    |    Released on: 02/05/2022

words where they even changed halls' anthems into their way toxic to ears of the intellectuals, this was total misdemeanour. They could sing while touching

the opposite hall which caused war. The boy was badly beaten by boys from the other hall. The war between the two boys' halls took a full week. They could attack each other late in t

t in the forth-coming elections would buy sugar, milk, and at times prepare for beef and goat's meat roasting. Dance would start immediately as the continuing students

terrible. However, there was no use of force. Some could just take their porridge, dance and go to sleep. They could organise the Freshers' bash. Most schools could go to beaches

y there. The guy took us to the club where we ordered for expensive wines. We drank his pocket empty and he ran away. I swear I will never go for an outing outsid

ver car that passed by, none could stop for rescue. We kept moving while stopping them. Finally, a man stopped and took us. He was handsome, looked loaded and respon

to take us to the police station from where our parents would find us. We started crying while pleading for him to forgive. The man continued driving. He finally dropped us in a

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