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 Mysterious encounter with the alpha

Mysterious encounter with the alpha


Chapter 1 01

Word Count: 1304    |    Released on: 15/05/2022

p, the custom

as a courier in New York, and this idiot has just wasted 5 precious minutes of m

two or three more errands to increase my salary for the day. To achieve my goals, I race thr

ve never been before despite my work, as it's a rather vampire-like neighborhood and they tend to use their servants for the kind of service I provid

across any non-humans, and unlike the rest of the people I'm around I've never been interested in them. Fortunately, vampires are by

to be protected by the primary agreement. It is a non-aggression pact

r from my usual neighborhood helps me throw caution to the wind. If things turn out badly, I'll

ear them more than the others. Looking up at the building with its impeccable windows and dizzying lines, I also thi

sk and pushing all doubts out of my brain. The woman at the entrance looks at me with a stern eye, ticking off my jeans torn at the knees an

ow. Without giving him the time to make

ister Veroni, I have

with a disgusted look without stopping staring at me. What

gging my shoulders. For me, it's not a problem, I would say

ating her files, weighing the pros and

answers me with bad grace. 42nd fl

ate that the interlocutor risks his place. This is one of my favorite techniques, I love to see the little

t! She spits at me and turns immed

id tone. Me who dreamed

e in corner. The spade was not obligatory, b

ere suits, pulled together. I suppose most of them are bloodsuckers, but I wouldn't know them and I don'

entering without waiting for an answer. After all, the sooner I get it over wit

tall dark-haired man in a suit and tie,

road carrures, I make a step backwards, howev

He says to me with a dreamy v

e. Raising an eyebrow, perplexed, I try to disengage

arcel for

ack eyes staring at me with the

retches his lips. What a coinciden

lacing the package against his chest in a slightly bru

giving him a blow of elbow so that he le

creen and the place to sign. No matter what, stay professional: strategy number 2 of the delivery man. Th

res at me without moving, as if he was waiting for something e

while. Hoping to finish faster, while all my fears seem to take life, I

your package or not? I

another mocking male voice

pheromones don'

esk who looks at us with a smile. He suddenly approaches with a predatory gait, sure of himself as if I'm going to me

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