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My Senorita

Chapter 2 Who's she

Word Count: 1603    |    Released on: 16/05/2022



doing in my house?" I asked cu

ed and threw my shirt at he

r you're indirectly trying to seduce me

w did you get in" I asked getti

dea why I'm here"

o you so we can have a proper conversation" I said and turn

ked slowly and I placed my han

rt on? Where did you fall out from exactly?" I

am I thinking. I waved the thought out of my h

ticed you do it everyday" She said

ionate evening. Maga is never going to talk to m

ons. Tell me who are you exactly and how did you get in

he balcony" She said stil

he fifteenth floor, how possible is it for you to fly in here. A

t nod for?"

I transformed into a human" She expla

s ridiculous as this before"

me tricks with my head.

when I got drained in the rain la


then I will be kind enough to send you back to where you came from so I'm listening, what's your name and which pa

is on" I said giving

knows how t

eminded and she sat

ause I'm adapting to the new

your name and where did you c

no idea where I came from" She s

no idea where you came from? Where a

days in my nest but my family didn't show up. I flew to your balcony one m

ept coming back" I ut

n't take you to an orphanage home because you're an a

still a bird but now I don't even know wh


and I picked up my phone

you shopping because it's late already so we will

d softly and I l felt

t keep a stranger in my house. What if she's evil, she has ill intentions towards m

her to my sitting room then p

must be some changes if she's indeed a transformed huma

I directed her and something felt off ab

he, I don't do young girls. I gasp

inch, I will go get the door" I instructed the

here?" I uttered out curio

already?" I asked with a fake smile and s

s why you treated me like a s

e she will detect something if my unknown birdie

e greeted and

" Cassie asked and


like we're lovers or anything. I groane

a, my name's Cassie" Cass

assie" Birdie said

verly nice" I muttere

ease wait for me here" I said grinning

She asked with

asual and I don't like that feeling. You usually don't like seeing girls i

elcoming spirit. She looks like a good person and my instincts tells me yo

ould I go to bed with her" I

es, really? If I were to tell you that, will

ory. Cassie can you go home now, I really nee

ame isn't Senori

?" She asked with a s

ime but for now go home, it's gett

apple plantation. Angelo don't do anything stupid to Senorita, she's

she chuckled then we went back to the si

very guy arrive?"

She said smiling. Cassie was about to

ur boyfriend" I advised sar

heartbroken best friend" Cassie

said with a smile

dn't get drunk before coming

ht, it was tim

ouch. Go to your room"

t" I instructed and went into m

ed in a low tone and lay on m

en I was deep asleep and I

?" I asked I'm my sleepy ton


ys do right" She called softly

xactly" I mutte

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