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Chapter 6 A wrong turn

Word Count: 1228    |    Released on: 16/05/2022


stay open. Andrew's friends had beaten the day of light out of him, in quest fo


s on Debby's, acknowledging the fact he just returned to Texas. Deborah Marvin pull

sed brow, "Yeah? A place I

"I'd assume I d

r, he found Thomas Becker at the verge of death in his yard. Debby passed and

d Thomas up, "What...

d said, "Andrew... Andrew Stephen

en Thomas to the verge of death, "Why would..

ps, "He knows about Ashley, Eleanor, ... Everythin

told him nothing and now..." Thomas trailed off a

. He helped Thomas into his house. Befo

d with her house key

an Skipper whistled at her. Sh

d her way. She smiled and tilt

"I'm afraid you hav

re than five more males appeared from every side. Debby


o the wall, "We have a

"I don't have

to unless your face would not be this

melee and moved Janet a bit so he cou

hand on his shoulder. Andrew stared at it, took it in his han

smirked again,

a bit away from her,"How

eetly, "Do I s

her, "I'm still keeping you untouched because you belong to a gender li

"Ever since he

ed, "So you had nothing

, "Yes, ca

"No Have you learned anyth

eah, he is pret

t, please get this o

f Debby smiling at her, "How close

rious, "We are nothing more

of him being a mysterio

ing a mask and several knives in h

ust what he want


could be at the door now, ringing like maniacs from the 1959 asylum. Not bothering to

ad his foot at the post so it would not shut, "Oh c'mon! Thi

uld come here." Alex raised a brow, a shoulder and made a

k on me." She turned around and walked into the hous

ou've got a nice place here. Did you real

d, "We got the house before

d you get such money? As

you saying? Angus killed As

" he widened his eyes, "you may not kno

as stern,

a nerve." When Dani ignored him painfully, he continued, "However, I came to be a relief. Andrew's a

ght into her eyes that strived to hold back tears, "I'd make a great c

t a punch ac

his jaw and smiled, "You got

"And fortunately, I got stronger, more i

her door. He was a real creep sometimes. Andrew was really there, watching

lla watch something behind him. He widened his eyes in fear, praying

es aside so Andrew could reach Daniella. Andrew looked

rd movements. Andrew examined the tears on his

shoulder, "Why is the worl

eeded to stop talking. He blinked back tears. Alex

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