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Chapter 3 Father and son

Word Count: 1438    |    Released on: 16/05/2022


glancing at her watch. Angus was so going to be angry with her. Then, just because she hadn't us

here. A group of the estate's residents and certainly the most threatening set of

keep going. She was just being paranoid, she thought

eceived waves of tobacco smoke on her face. Coughing, she turned away, just to find more

ova in Texas, admired her hair

rcle, eyes on their faces. She was alone, the only way to escape rape that night was touching their hearts with plea or

voice. He exhaled smoke from his nostrils as he walked out of the shade so he was seen. Daniella stared at his smooth, black hair neat

t Andrew in the circle,

g tone he used, "I got delayed at the st

ain. Use some other route next time." Daniella passed him with

"Paralyse anyone who messes with her." His friends nodded as Andrew


ndrew Stephen. Once, the target had screamed for help, another, his dog barked, then this time, a girl was in his room. Maybe he could

s; the girl he had seen in his room, Daniella. Why hadn't he thought of that before? He



ousity as she escorted the richest and proudest bein

as he held Daniella's hand and took her feet away from Andrew, "Yes, I bought more veggies from our uncle. The orders you placed... What in the world is

stered on her face as well, "He is

"for Christ's sake, messing with t

on't worry about me, I'll be fine. He is on our side

tings. Andrew looked around at the pictures on the wall, a smile creeping its way up his lips at the sight of every single painting, "Wow." He just kept looking until he saw the last pict

to him, looked like someon

"Oh that, I made it yesterday,

d her indefin

ht you needed something more posit

a picture of me is positive?"

plan right; make him feel special, loved

t was, should he give in and warm up to her? What if he did, they might a

e painting and hande

t no one had ever given him when Dan

ing, "Hello,

, isn't he?" He did

then turned around, "Ho

ortant. Just st

inspector, I've made up my mind, do you

his threat. She then forced a


r only friend in Texas or just endure the smoke? He was sea

eyes due to so much smoke. He felt so uncomfortable saying nothing that he had to loo

, "What'

ittle bit suffocating, " she smiled and hurriedly added,

it and tossed it to a corner, something even his family could not get him

g Spanish accent, "Danielle." Daniella hid a laugh. Oh how she really wished it w

. Tell me more." Daniella laugh

his age? He excused his father from the midst of the players and hinted them to go on playing witho

in the day, poured all the feelings on his son, "Why

ain, I would not have come if it wasn't

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